Take the waiver in global. The global exam is going through a transition, where is is going to change 3 times over the next two years. This June, the exam is a new transitional exam that has never been given and in a totally different (it will be given at the beginning of June because they have to get results from across the state to norm the test). Format from any of the other previous exams along with different content.
You will still need to pass US and get the global Regents credit.
Registration time to sign up for fall college now courses is now (OP would have to be college ready today by the regents or SAT to register for Fall College Now. the deadline just recently closed for summer college now).
Unless you are trying to achieve mastery in science your science sequence is Living environment, earth science and Chem) You would be better served getting and using the living environment waiver .
You cannot double dip and get credit for both AP chem and regular chem (you get credit for one or the other), the same with physics.
Do you need all of the social studies credits (4 credits in global, 2 in US, Govt and Econ) or just US History, government and economics?
Are you attending summer school? You can enroll in summer night school take one music class and one art class to knock out the arts requirement. If you are really feeling adventurous, ask if you can be enrolled for Econ and Government in summer day school.
So you will need 2 credits in the arts, social studies, English (you must take English 7/8 senior year english) PE (2 courses if you are graduating in June) Calc, Bio AP CS. If your school runs on a 8 period day, you may not be able to take the three courses along with the courses that you need to graduate.
Which regents are you taking?
Algebra, Algebra2/trig.
Global (you should waive as the WA won’t help but a low grade will hurt unless you plan on retaking in the summer or next year) US history (even though you only have one term of US)