Is it worth it?

<p>So I really want to go to TCU as a freshman in the fall of 2012. It seems like a great school, and that it would be a great fit for me. The thing is i live in California, and I don't know if it is really worth leaving my family to go to school there when there are so many great schools here. So my question is what makes TCU so great in your opinion? Is it worth me leaving my family to attend?</p>

<p>I’m not sure if you’re asking whether it is worth it financially, or emotionally.</p>

<p>If you mean financially, you won’t know until you see what kind of merit and/or need-based financial aid you receive. Once you know that, than you compare to CA schools. That’s more than a year away for you still.</p>

<p>If you mean emotionally, well, I don’t know how to answer that one! You should speak with people who have left CA for college and get their input. Who know, a year from now you might just be DYING to get far away from home :)</p>

<p>Going away to college is such a personal issue. The good news about Dallas-Fort Worth is that it is easy to get to from California. It is a relatively inexpensive plane fare, and only a 2 1/2 hour flight. American Airlines flies there every hour. It seems like there are several California kids at TCU.</p>