San Jose State is tremendously underrepresented at Google (among the employees on LinkedIn). My point was that the percentages are dramatically different at Apple and Google. The universities with many CS graduates nearby are well represented at Apple, regardless of ranking; while only the CS programs with top rankings are well represented at Google, including ones not nearby. </p>
<p>Using specific numbers, there are ~200k software engineers on LinkedIn living in the Silicon Valley area. 5.5% of them went to San Jose State, 5.3% went to Berkeley, and 4.1% went to Stanford. These are the 3 colleges with the most software engineer alumni in Silicon Valley by a large margin. At Apple’s Silicon Valley location, these same 3 colleges are the ones with the most software engineers – 4.7% San Jose State, 4.1% Stanford, and 3.6% Berkeley. At Google’s Silicon Valley location, 8.4% come from Stanford and 6.6% come from Berkeley, much higher percentages than Apple, and higher than the overall percentage of Stanford and Berkeley employees in Silicon Valley as well. Yet only 1% of employees were from the lower ranked San Jose State. 1% is a small fraction of both the percentage of San Jose State employees in the area and the percentage of SJS employees at Apple.</p>