Is Journalism good?

<p>Is it a dying field? Is it in demand? I love to write and I am very good at it, but I am majoring in business instead because i have been told that a journalism degree is not in demand and it will be very hard to find a good job. Thank you</p>

<p>You can become a journalist no matter what your major. Look at all of the “big name” journalists… Most of them majored in something like history or English, not journalism.</p>

<p>Journalism isn’t exactly a dying field, but it’s definitely not in demand. There are too many journalists looking for jobs and not enough jobs. It’s a low-paying field. But if it’s what you want to do, then yes, it’s good. I don’t know what you’re definition of “good” is, but to me, good is doing something you love. If “good” to you is making a lot of money right out of college, then no, journalism is not “good.”</p>

<p>That depends on what you’re interested in writing about. A journalism major by itself isn’t much help. Likewise, if you’re only interested in journalism as a backup career, you might be disappointed. But if you know that journalism is what you want to do for a living, then I’d suggest double-majoring in both journalism and the subject you want to write about. </p>

<p>Want to write about politics? Consider Political Science or Economics. Want to write about business? Consider Finance. How about entertainment? English and Film Studies might help. Sports is a tricky one. Not sure about that. Technology? Go with Computer Science. (That’ll also give you a good backup career, just in case you grow sick of writing.) </p>

<p>So, yeah, the best course of action would be to double-major in Journalism and what you actually want to write about. Oh, and if it’s something global, consider International Politics or (insert country/region name here) Studies.</p>

<p>Thank you :)</p>