Is my decision the correct one? (college)

I’m a senior 17 years old in 12th grade right now and have talked to my parents about what college to go to, etc.

I’m in the IB but my gpa is a 2.6, weighted around 3. something. I had depression for 2-3 years due to personal and other problems so i really didnt try my best in class because of how my mind acted. I’ve been feeling better these days because im finally starting to not care about the little things and realizing there’s more to life…I’m not the most motivated in school as i want to pursue in acting and modeling. I’ve been told by alot of people i should also. I’m going to hire an ACT tutor this saturday to prepare for December as i have trouble studying by myself because i will easily start thinking about negativity and what i’ve been through. I’m a guy.

I talked to my parents and i am deciding to go to community college for 2 years and get a job right away. What are some good easy jobs i can get with an Associates degree? I can probably get my bachelors but i know myself and i wont be able motivated enough as my passion is in the filming/media industry. I’m not in a finanical situation or nothing, I just think this is my best option…My parents told me that after college i will take over some of my dad’s stores and i will make around 12k a month after i graduate and if im not be able to find work. Though kids in my class are getting into ivy league schools, etc i am not interested in going to school for another 4 years…

I may transfer to a 4 year college but that’s out of the way until i reach that point. Not that im setting myself low, but i’m trying to be wise and think whats best for me…am i right with my plan?
I want to pursue my passion and not waste my parents money nor my time getting a degree that would cost me a fortune…I’m not lazy and i love to work. I just recently purchased a 35k that i got a steal of 8000$ off because of a sale/program/rebates! (not foreign haha its a cadillac) car using my MONEY i saved up and worked for.
( i built computers and resold for around 500$ each,offshore,and worked at my uncles business)

I think this is a good path for me? What do you guys think?!
I am not fond of what people say about cc because my uncle makes a little over 300k and he went to a small community college for 2 years. My cousin has saved up nearly around 500k and hes around 23 years old without a degree. I feel as if they can do it, i can too.

What are some good jobs i should go for that would make atleast 20/hr or higher? I want to start working asap. My parents accept my decision and told me as long as i’m making atleast 20/hr they would be okay with it. They never went to college and believe you can be successful without a degree and i do too. (dad owns alot of real estate, mom works stores)

What do you think? I feel this is right because i will be saving money also. The downside is that i wont be able to make friends or something? I’ve read that community college is really not sociable and that i wont be able to find a girl or something because of that? Will i have a hard time finding the right girl because im not going to a school with over
30,000-40,000 students?

My plan right now : Go to cc > find a job that would pay around 20/hr > work and run some of dad’s businesses that would help me financially giving me an extra 10k-12k a month > while i get to finish school at age 20 ( i’m 17 ) i can pursue my passion in modeling and acting.

If there are some things i can do to make my path better please tell me!