I feel like it’s kinda off topic, can someone give feedback please?
I am a parent of three–Yale, Stanford and Princeton. I would be more than happy to read your essay. I have read a lot of essays as my own children were going through this process and would like nothing more than to help others achieve their dreams. Let me know if you want me to read it.
sorry, im only looking for senior members.
Pooh. That just means they’ve had more time to waste. You just demonstrated a lack of judgment.
I think OP has exercised good judgment.
Definitely be cautious about whom u give your essay to. Many posters aren’t what they seem…
Probably safer to stuck to long-time posters w a high “Helpful” count.
No, it’s really not smart to give your essay to just anyone on the Internet. Good call, OP.
I can look, but it will take me a few days to get to it.
Well, I’m not a “senior” member - just an attorney with 30 years of experience writing for an appellate court and training law clerks to write well. I believe I’ve assisted not a few students on this site who sought help with their essays. I would agree that OP does not want to hand out his/her essay to high school peers (I believe we had a lengthy thread a year or so ago about the risk of plagiarism in doing so), but I don’t agree with OP’s blanket statement.
I agree with you that one should not send their essays to just anyone but one should not necessarily trust a “senior” member just because they are a senior member. I was only trying to be helpful since my three children went through this process successfully. I am an educator and have been in education for almost 30 years and felt that I could help someone else achieve their dreams. An extra set of eyes is always helpful when writing/submitting essays that are this important.
@YSPmusic It’s so nice of you to give your time and energy to helping people with their essays (God knows I needed someone like you three years ago). I would give you the benefit of the doubt just based on your small posting history. And there is no foolproof way to prove that someone is trustworthy. But generally, the ability to be considered a credible essay reader comes after you’ve been on the site for a while and answered others’ questions to build up your post count and show consistency in what you’re claiming.
I agree that it is not necessary to be a “senior” member to have cred. There are lots of 13 year old, middle school kids on the Prep School Admissions board who have built up cred. One of these kids is now a CC mod.
You have demonstrated that you are a helpful contributor by having been around a while to have built up a respectable “Helpful” count.
Just like students who are advised that their life’s successes is not a function of having a name-brand school on their CV, the credibility of a poster is not a function of the poster simply stating he/she has kids in a name-brand school.
I apologize in advance if this comes off as a bit harsh, but this advice is well meant because I believe you are sincere in your desire to be helpful.
You presently have a post count of 4. And in not a single one of those posts have you actually contributed any advice. Each of your 4 posts have been about what school your kids are in or what you do for a living. The beauty of this forum is that it is anonymous. The worth of advice given in this forum is based on the intrinsic usefulness of the advice and not on the CV of the person giving it. No one knows or cares about anyone’s background, except in the context of the advice given. There are many well-respected, long-term posters here who give great advice. Only a few other posters even know that they graduated from Y, H, whatever.
I hope I have not discouraged you. As a YSP parent, you probably do have lots of great advice to offer. It would be to your credit to just give the advice already and let the advice stand on its own merit. Again, apologies for the bluntness, and welcome to the fold.
i’ll read it. pm me