Hey all,
I’m a rising senior who recently got SAT scores back (from June 2016).
I got a 1550 (790 Math, 760 CR/W) on the exam (and a 7-7-7 on the essay, if that matters).
I thought this was all well and good, and this score seemed to fit well into the ranges of accepted students at schools I’m looking at (Georgetown, Brown, HYSP, Columbia, Cornell, etc.).
However, upon looking into the reading and writing subscores, I became a little worried. My writing subscore was a 40 (which makes sense, as I got every writing question correct), but my reading subscore was a 36 (with 4 wrong answers out of 51).
Is a 36 low for the schools where I’m looking? Does it look bad in light of my total score? Do colleges even look at the sub-subscores? Is it worth retaking the exam this fall over this?
No, it’s not low, and it’s not worth retaking. I can’t speak to whether colleges look at sub-subscores, but it seems doubtful that they will put your test scores under such scrutiny. I’d say that your test scores put you in the ballpark and in no way count against you, and to focus on other parts of your application rather than wasting time retaking a test you already did stellar on.
I think it would simply draw more attention to the subscores if you retook the test. You have an excellent score, and no college should use it as a basis to not admit you. Focus on other parts of your application. Good luck to you! 
D got 5 wrong for reading score of 35! Perfect for writing and math, and the same score 1550 as OP. Same essay as well. She is done, as soon as she came out if testing center, “I think I scored at least 1500 and I am done”. First and only attempt in SAT, not ACT. She told me that she doesn’t want schools to think that she has an EC in test taking!