Is my senior schedule too hard or easy?

Hello! I’m a junior and recently I’ve just completed my senior scheduling for next year but I have two opportunities in March and April to re-edit my schedule and switch classes. I plan to co-major at UGA in international business and another business major but I’m still not sure which one yet. I have a 3.3 unweighed GPA and I’m not very good in math. My school offers a a lot of AP classes and I’m currently taking the IB Certificate instead of the full diploma. My junior year has been kind of difficult due to personal affairs and taking IB classes for the first time so I thought I should go a bit easy on myself for my senior year. Also my school runs on block schedule with 4 classes every day. This is the senior schedule I chose:

Chinese II Honors
IB Spanish HL
AP Economics
IB Business HL
Environmental Science

And my last class is still being determined since I signed up for Office Aid (school internship), Work-Based Learning Program (out of school internship where I can still earn credit), or if I don’t get accepted into either one of those then I plan to take AP Psychology or make that a free period for myself.

These are classes I’ve taken in my freshman and sophomore year in case this is necessary to look at as well. It goes from freshman, sophomore, to the junior class I’m taking now.

Spanish II Honors, Spanish III Honors, Chinese I (im in this right now)
9th Lit Honors, 10th Honors Lit, IB Lit SL
Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II
American Govn’t H/AP Human Geography, AP World History, AP US History and AP Comp. Govnt/AP US Govn’t
And my electives have mainly just been one year of orchestra, and business elective courses

I know my senior schedule might have some workload on me but I don’t do sports and since I’m part of a couple groups I have to do a lot of volunteer work for hours. Also, when it’s time for me to edit my schedule again I’m thinking of switching from IB Lit HL to possibly regular 12th Lit or AP Lit because I had a very low B in IB Lit SL but people have told me that it gets easier in IB Lit HL since it’s just annotating poems and less books.

So is my senior schedule rigorous enough for what UGA looks for? Should I switch lit classes? Thank you! (:

I am considering going to UGA through the Terry School of Business as well. I do not have any information that could be of any assistance to you because I personally do not believe there is a well defined answer for this. I have heard from numerous colleges that it depends on the college you go to and the most frequent answer is that you take courses that are the most challenging and that fit your interest. Did you try emailing the admissions office?

Here is some thing that you may be interested in. I applied to this and several other programs as well.