<p>I need a clicker. Where should I buy CPS RF clickers (from elnstruction) in the bookstore or NJ Books? Some one told me that NJ books is cheaper, is that true?</p>
<p>Always check Amazon.com as well. You might be amazed at some of the prices. When I was looking for an iclicker, they had them on sale for 5 dollars off. I should have bought it then because the next day it was $5 higher. Always check shipping price; you may have to bundle items from amazon in order to ship free.</p>
<p>or: You can also join amazon student. google it. They sometimes offer it for free for 1 year to students and it includes free 2-day shipping for lots of items.</p>
<p>Also look early because when you are looking for used books, the cheaper ones seem to go quickly, leaving you with the higher priced used ones and new ones.</p>
<p>Sometimes I have found new prices on amazon cheaper than used prices from the bookstore.</p>
<p>Hey! Thanks I’m going to try that right now :)</p>
<p>all college bookstores seem to be the same: they all screw you over with their pricings and the amount money you get for selling your books back. amazon is a really good idea, i wish i thought about that last summer.</p>
<p>This past year, I bought the Expos book for my son for ~$10 and the Planet earth 2nd edition for around the same. We had to pay shipping for those because it wasn’t an amazon product but it was still a great deal. Also got the iclicker & comp apps (cheaper new than used through the bookstore) and that was free shipping through amazon.</p>