<p>I am an A-level student in UK ,and I won a bronze medal for British maths Olympia1 and top 20 in BMO2.Is it an advantage?I don't have a lot of volunteer work,does it matter?</p>
<p>i dont think many people here are british so it's hard to answer your question</p>
<p>if it's a national thing tho, the adcoms probably know about it and it probably means something</p>
<p>yes if it is national
congrats too!</p>
<p>Are you just posting to tell us a specific accomplishment or were you really asking...? Im sure any awards will help...congrats tho.</p>
I am an A-level student in UK ,and I won a bronze medal for British maths Olympia1 and top 20 in BMO2.Is it an advantage?I don't have a lot of volunteer work,does it matter?
<p>I don't know what this means, and I doubt all the adcoms -- especially the ones who haven't been at it for that long -- are intimately familiar with particular math prizes that are given out in various countries. So I'd provide an explanation somewhere in your application, or have one of your recommenders do it, if you want to make sure the adcoms know what this is</p>
<p>Only you know if it's impressive. Are you top 20 nationwide at math? If so, that's cool. If you're top 20 at your school or something, who cares.</p>
Are you just posting to tell us a specific accomplishment or were you really asking...? Im sure any awards will help...congrats tho.
<p>Um, he's asking a legit question. Are you really SURE that ANY awards will help? Like Who's Who? Like Student of the Month? Like Perfect Attendance?</p>
<p>"British maths Olympia1"</p>
<p>Do you mean the maths Olympiad? If yes, then HELL YEA it'll be an advantage.</p>
<p>Yea,it is national.If it is just a school competition,I won't write it in my profile.Anyway,thanks a lot.</p>
<p>Explain to me how writing "Honor Roll" or "Athlete of the Year" or something miniscule as an award will hurt someone's chances other than wasting application space.</p>
<p>It's pretty simple: It tells the adcom that you can't seperate the important from the insignificant. Same thing goes for resumes, so it should not be shocking.</p>
<p>It will be very impressive for those who have heard of it (and it doesn't make any difference that it's the British Olympiad, just as many -actually the SAME people who don't know what it is - won't have heard of the US version either. So...all that means is you'll have to EXPLAIN on your application exactly how pretigious the honor is.</p>