<p>Can any one please tell me?</p>
10 char</p>
<p>what does 10char mean? also…i would say no…the only thing those classes really do is force u to put some time aside to the sat…but dedicated self-study or personal tutoring is probably better time spent</p>
<p>A post that contains less than 10 characters is not allowed on College Confidential and so…</p>
<p>I say no too. It was actually fun; I had an awesome teacher. But my SAT score stayed exactly the same and the diagnostic test scores they give you there are way off because there are fewer people and the curve is much higher (i guess if someone’s score is low the curve is bad for them). Maybe the fact that we had class trips to Chipotle during breaktimes had something to do with it. hahaha</p>
<p>Studying on your own or maybe with a knowledgeable tutor is more worth the money.
I speak from experience because I took classes for a specialized science highschool test in NY for two years (about $1500 for both yrs because of a discount for taking it the 2nd time) and it didn’t help. and I also took SAT classes at another tutoring place ($800) which didn’t raise my score that much. Then Princeton Review ($1000?) which didn’t do anything for my score. Then, I waited about 6months (actually I didn’t study at all during that time, just looked at a little vocab literally the night before) and took it again and raise my score 220 points on my own :D</p>
<p>I used a new book by Elizabeth King called Outsmarting the SAT in my test prep class at the school I teach. This book helped three of my students score very high on the PSAT, and I can assure you we will use it again later in the year when they prep for the SAT… Elizabeth’s book is so much better than the Kaplan, Princeton, and Barron’s books that it is not even funny. She walks you through examples which are very similar to the questions in the Big Blue Book. In addition, she has some CR tips that I have never seen before that are brilliant.</p>