Is Psychology a Humanities or a Science

<p>I was wanting to major in psychology and based on wheter it fell under the category of science or humanity i was going to decide wheter i needed to take 2 science SAT2 or 2 humanity SAT2</p>

<p>Why not 1 science, 1 humanities?</p>

<p>Anyway, while some see psych as a humanities, most colleges I've seen lump it into science.
It's a science anyway, just not a lab science like chem/bio/phys.</p>

<p>It's a social science. And I agree with the above; why not take one of each?</p>

<p>I've never really heard of psyc being considered a humanity...normally it's either social science or science.</p>

<p>Psych is not a hard science. But, consider this, in order to become a psychiatrist (not a counselor or a therapist) one has to go to medical school.</p>

<p>It's a soft science like economics, in between humanities and real sciences like physics, chemistry, biology, etc.</p>

<p>It's neither -- more in between. So it's a social science.</p>

<p>Generally speaking, psychology is a social science. However, branches of psychology often fall in various areas. For example, neuroscience is a field under both psychology and biology; Freud, for example, is often taught in literature and philosophy classes.</p>

<p>If we insist on lumping it in to one field, it would be a social science.</p>

<p>It is part of this History/Social Science department at my D's school.</p>

<p>Nothing. According to scientology, psychology is the root of all evil and human suffering. </p>

<p>Better watch your back for scientologists if you choose to dab in the evil art of psychology. ... ^^</p>


<p>Haha .</p>

<p>The real question you are asking is which SAT IIs to take. If the college does not specifiy which SAT IIs are required or recommended, it really does not matter which IIs you take regardless of whether you will major in psychology. Note, however, you should check with particular college as some want or recommend a Math SAT II, and may require a science if majoring in engineering or a physical science (which does not include psychology).</p>

<p>This is an interesting question, because although introductory psychology at the high school level (even AP) is usually a social science or a "soft" science, look out if you study it at a major research University like Berkeley. Labs, labs, more labs. Stats, stats, more stats. Metrics, metrics, more metrics.</p>

<p>(I used to revew the manuscripts for the profs and the grad students!)</p>

<p>I believe Psychology is a humanities field, I've never heard of it being a science field. While it has more scientific aspects than say political science or history, its methods are similar except for the method used in discerning truths</p>

<p>To clarify what I said earlier, it's a social science, which is a "soft science." It's also not real science (or at least the conventional sense of the term.)</p>

<p>Psychology is a social science. Asking whether it is in science or humanities is like asking if an elephant is black or white: it's based on the faulty assumption that there are only two possible answers.</p>

It is humanities, since I applied to San Jose State as a psychology major, and I was accepted into the Humanity Honors course.

A social science (psychology) is not considered a true science as far as college admissions is concerned. Take SAT2s in your preferred subjects! One of each is best but there is no reason you can’t double up on humanities or on true sciences if you feel stronger either way (unless a college has recommendations on what they want you to take).

It is a social science. Humanities + science.

Also this thread is 8 years old LOL.