Is Religion Taboo?

<p>I ask the question bc my entire application was about science and my love for it. My common app essay was about science and race, but my supplement (the tell us something about you that we wouldn't get anywhere else) was about my faith and evolution.
One of the respondants to the essay swap said that religion may be a bad topic because the adcoms are usually liberal (although there are many Christian liberals), so my question is do you think that it will hurt my chances.</p>

<p>P.S. So I don't get any ignorant responses about not believing in evolution, the essay was about reconciling the fact of evolution with my faith, and still believing in God.</p>

<p>I just had the discussion of evolution v. faith yesterday as I am posed the same dilemma…</p>

<p>I don’t think it will hurt your chances as this is who you are. I think it is also excellant that you focussed on one passion (science) during your essays because I have heard that admits are often the one’s who are overall good students but have one thing that pushes them over the top. It is good to create recurring themes between your essays (which I didn’t do enought). But then again I am somewhat ignorant of the admissions process</p>

<p>One of my son’s main college essays dealt with the role a particular area of religious study plays in his spiritual and intellectual life. He will attend Yale next year (he is on a gap-year program that focuses on that area of study). If your faith is really important to who you are and it can bring life to your application, I would not hesitate to use it as the subject of a college essay. What you need to avoid, however, is using your essay as a platform for delivering a sermon.</p>

<p>I think I read your essay. It isn’t preachy, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem. By showing the importance and relevance of faith to your life/personality, it does exactly what an admissions essay is supposed to do. </p>

<p>Plenty of people accepted to Yale are not liberal.</p>

<p>I think it sounds like a great essay because it explained why something is important to you while still conveying your character to the AdCom. </p>

<p>What more could you want?</p>

<p>Okay these responses are certainly helping me. I think I am just analyzing the different parts of my app and stressing. Thanks, I can relax a little bit more now.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, no. I can only dream of the day that writing about that will draw the same response as writing an essay about why colleges should only teach the literal word of the bible.</p>

<p>I think your “science and race” essay might be even more controversial if its written in the worst way possible… (cough <em>eugenics</em> cough…)</p>

<p>yeah, indeed! What do you mean with a ‘science and race’ essay?</p>

<p>It was about my experience at science fairs, being one of the few minority students. So no eugenics, sorry :)!</p>

<p>I second FastFood. Couldn’t have said it better myself.</p>

<p>Oh I am sorry, your essaytopic sounds cool (Race and Science).</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>