I am going crazy lol
So throughout my academic career to date, I’ve always been competitive and a hard worker with leaderships in clubs, NHS, and in the top 10% in my HS, which is pretty well known. I’ve always dreamed of becoming of a doctor but I always knew the money would be a big deciding factor. In fact, I decided to not apply to my dream schools or any Ivy league due to In-state schools being relatively cheaper.
If I do go to Rowan (Bio Major–I got into the Honors Concentration), will I be challenged and fit in? LOL I really want to hear success stories because Rowan is a HUGE possibility right now. I am torn between TCNJ BIO but obviously Rowan is MUCH CHEAPER! Are there enough research opportunities? Do many people go on to top Medical Schools from Rowan (or other small state schools)??
A stressed out senior 
Hi Upenngirl98
I have read a lot of your postings and you really are conflicted. I have my own opinion about NJ’s colleges and they go against what a lot say. I believe Rowan is a great choice for what you are looking for. I believe TCNJ (or as I still call it Trenton State) is overrated when compared to schools like Rowan. Everyone keeps saying it’s better known but I disagree. People who are not from this part of jersey know Rowan but many no nothing of TCNJ. It is a good school but Rowan is going to pass it in name recognition in the years to come. Rowan can give you more money because they have a much larger endowment not because it’s not as good of a school. If you want to go to medical school don’t go into debt now. If you do well, you will get into medical school and I don’t believe TCNJ will be the reason you get in.
Today we took my son to admitted students day for engineers and I’m very sure it’s the right place for him. And this is coming from a mom who has two daughter engineers who went to a more selective school (one is graduating in May and she is so happy her brother is choosing Rowan).
I believe as studies show, it’s not always the school you go to that makes you a success, it’s the desire to succeed. I know a valictorian from our high school who went to Rowan and got into the Naval Academy after. Plus Rowan has 2 medical schools, TCNJ doesn’t.
This is just one mom’s opinion. I’m excited about Rowan and if you decide to go maybe you’ll meet my son, he will be living with the honor and engineering students. He’s not doing honors (to much other stuff for him) but he’s in the engineering learning community which is housed with the honors students in the new dorm Holly Pointe.
You sound like whatever you choose you’ll succeed.
Will you be challenged really depends upon you
If you choose to reach out to professors and see what opportunities there are, if you choose to take difficult courses, continue to be active in the school community as you say you have before, you will be challenged. If you choose to take only the easy professors and the easy courses, drink til you puke and miss class, then you’ll be challenged, but not in the right way 
I cannot emphasize enough how restrictive debt is. It impacts every choice you can make for years in the future. Even if you wind up not going on to additional years of education, very little to no debt is a great thing. It opens up the ability to save money (if you choose to live back at home). You can afford to buy a car, save for a house or move out and rent an apartment. You can choose to work at a job in a field you love, rather than have to work in a field you make the most money, because you have to pay that debt bill.
Taking on debt to go to TCNJ ? Even as an alum of that school I think that is not the choice I’d make, I don’t see the education you get as superior and worth debt, I sincerely do not (and I loved it there! and think it is a great school).
I have firsthand (well second hand) experience as one of my scholars goes to Rowan, he has been challenged, does independent research as a freshman (because he reached out) and has made friends who are as bright* and engaged as he is. He has figured out the mass transit system and goes into Philly and down to the shore (each about an hour door to door). He is thriving, but I think he would have anywhere - it is just his personality to get involved and make the most out of everything - you could easily do the same.
*There are also dim bulbs and partiers at Rowan, as at all schools - you choose who you hang with 
Find your squad 
@NJRoadie and @LeightheMom
THANK YOU SO MUCH for guiding me through this whole college process!
I can’t thank you guys enough!
I live pretty far from Rowan (hence no one really goes there from this part of Jersey and that’s why they know more of TCNJ) so I scared/anxious about going that far lol
The only major drawback is the transportation cause freshmen aren’t allowed to have a car but its only one year lol
I guess college is overwhelming but I certainly have the drive to succeed anywhere! I am going to Rowan again for the honors day pretty soon:)
Transportation - true, no car, however if you have a bike, you can get around really easily. There are also these people called upperclassman 
Also, bus stop is right on campus at the Campbell Library, step on and go to Philly or the other way to Shore. Sure, you will have to figure out mass transit, but a worthwhile skill to have 
Enjoy honors day - we are still puzzling over why our class of 2020 student was not accepted into the honors program, but will reapply again next semester.
@NJRoadie Yep! I will be able to get navigational skills that way LOL
Thank You!! I am sure your student will get in! 
Do you know which beach is closest to Rowan?
I know the bus goes to Wildwood, I think that general area (OCNJ/Wildwood/AC/Margate is about 1 hour away.
Omg I have the same conflict as you Upenngirl98 only difference being im deciding between Drexel and Rowan Honors for bio instead of TCNJ. The money comes out to be the same for both (Drexel is 5k more). If anyone has any guidance to offer it wiill be highly appreciated thanks!
Make sure you are comparing the entire cost of attendance. Consider that Drexel is on a three semester schedule (I believe). I am not sure which you are in state for, can’t be both
so that is a consideration too. If you are that close money wise, you need to consider perks. Rowan honors offers lots of them, Drexel I believe is well known for work experiences. Not sure about Drexel’s campus, I assume it is inner city, if you like that, great. Is it safe? (I don’t know, I’m just pointing out some questions). Good luck!
Drexel is a private university so in or out of state does not matter. And the perk at Drexel would be the co-op program. Paid work experience is valuable and during co-op semesters you do not pay tuition. With that little of a difference in cost, it probably comes down to which school suits you more, including your feelings on co-op.