Is Starbucks Quiet?

From previous experiences, is Starbucks (or other coffee shops, like TH) a quiet place? I don’t want to be in that awkward position where my interviewer gets annoyed by the background.

My last experience at Starbucks was at a crowded international airport waiting overnight for a 6am flight, and attempting/failing to fall asleep.

Then again, it usually depends on location and time of day. For example, many bookstores (E.g. Barnes & Noble) might have a coffee shop inside, and those tend to be quieter from my experience.

There is a huge amount of variation between Starbucks branches. There are some which I am happy to use to conduct interviews, and others which just do not work.

The interviewer generally decides the interview location. I would imagine if a location was too noisy, they wouldn’t have the interview at that place.

fyi, my interview was at a university’s student union at nighttime; there was some background chatter but it wasn’t too bad - you shouldn’t really worry about this.