Is the Big 4 the best overall option out of college?

<p>It's a known fact that Big 4 is accessible to quite a spectrum of business programs through out the country simply because of the size of these firms. So my question is as follows. Is there an option for accounting majors that is better than entering the Big 4? For example, does a Wharton accounting grad have a chance at certain entry-level accounting jobs that is simply inaccessible to an accounting major from a large state school? If not, then it truly seems illogical to spend money going to a top business program when, in the end, you will be working in a position which you could have accessed at a state school that was 100k cheaper (over the four years).</p>


<p>Wharton accounting grad could get into Ibanking and other lucrative positions.</p>

<p>You can go to many schools and get a job at a big 4 in accounting. My small state school places several at a big 4 every year.</p>

<p>You can not get an internship (and then job) front office at an IB from any school. These basically only go to students at target schools, like Wharton. (and all the other Ivys and usual other schools like Standford, Duke and MIT) </p>

<p>My school just placed 3 students at JPM back office this summer as interns. This is a big deal. Even getting back office (operations, accounting, global compliance, etc) is very difficult at top BBs.</p>

<p>All I can say is networking, networking!!</p>

<p>I guess you should have studied the return on investment equation more.</p>

<p>State school’s have the best ROI</p>

<p>^ “State schools”, no apostrophe</p>

<p>Actually, research has shown that private universities do result in greater ROI in the long run.</p>

<p>Certain state schools have a great ROI. Same for certain private schools. </p>

<p>If you are going to Wharton you are not trying to get a job at the Big 4.</p>

<p>ROI has a lot more to do with your major at a private school than any other factor. I did a research paper on this topic 2 years ago. It was an interesting project.</p>

<p>Big 4 firms are the “best” (prestigious, job outlook) ACCOUNTING positions for accounting majors straight out of school.</p>

<p>I completed a Big 4 internship this spring and have been offered a full-time position when i graduate.</p>

<p>I also go to a Tier II state school that cost my folks only $8,000 a year.</p>

<p>I don’t know about investment banking, but as far as the accounting field you and i are equal now.</p>

<p>A classmate laughed when I told him I was interested in applying to the big4 for audit. </p>

<p>This is the basic perception at top schools… it’s all about investment banking and consulting.</p>

<p>pe is the best overall option out of college. blackstone hires some people from wharton every year … like <5 or something.</p>

<p>PE is the most coveted, but I think BB IDB is pretty great also. Getting PE out of UG is hard because you really don’t have enough to offer a firm. Experience is very valuable.</p>