is the blue book the only way to go?

<p>ive been roaming around the threads, and countless number of people are saying, the blue book is the best and sometimes the only way to study for the SAT.</p>

<p>sorry for asking a repatitive question</p>

<p>but is barrons and kapland and etc. so bad?</p>

<p>i have a sat next month, so im trying to get 1 (ONE) good book, as soon as possible.</p>

<p>any recommendations? </p>

<p>(P.S, i aint aiming for 2400, just around 2000)</p>


<p>I can’t recommend one book, I would suggest getting the Blue Book for practice tests. But don’t use it for practical advice about the test. HighlandDaughter actually likes Princeton Review for that.</p>

<p>Oh k.</p>

<p>well im planning to get the barrons book.</p>

<p>i know its much harder, and the tests and questions arent made from collegeboard</p>

<p>but is it still worth getting?</p>

<p>i don’t know about the other books, but the kaplan book is godawful- many of the questions either don’t make sense, are impossible, are have the wrong answers listed in the back of the book. the blue book is really great for the practice exams.</p>

<p>if you don’t have any prep books yet, get the BB. Barron’s is a no-no.</p>


<p>barrons is that bad? im not looking for so much of practice tests, but more to the advice and stragedy side.</p>

<p>so i think BB, is out of the picture.</p>

<p>i heard people say this book is good for this
or that book is good for that</p>

<p>is there one book, thats good or okay at EVERYTHING?</p>


<p>do what you will, but I’d take maximum sat over Barron’s any day of the week.</p>

<p>can anyone bak tht up?</p>

<p>Honestly, with only one month left your choices are limited. If you are doing so-so on the SAT and know most of the concepts, the Blue Book is THE way to go. I would also recommend getting the Blue Book if you are looking for only one book.</p>

<p>Here are some personal, subject wise suggestions:
Math- Gruber’s for concepts BB for practice
Writing- Rocket Review for concepts, BB for practice
CR- I liked Barron’s 2400 for concepts, BB for practice</p>

<p>And now you can see why picking only one book may be a bit of a problem :).</p>

<p>oh thanks alot</p>

<p>ill get the blue book</p>

<p>and maybe hit the library and look over those three books you mentioned.</p>

<p>appreciate it.</p>

<p>Is the blue book any use at all for concept review?</p>

<p>The BB is pretty weak on concept review, I believe.</p>

<p>The BB is the best and the only one accurate… study it thoroughly and solve all the 8 practice tests, and then you should be well off… then you can simply have more practice from Princeton Review’s 11 SAT practice tests… If you want a more detailed concept review, i recommend Barron’s… it’s also got a nice word list…</p>

<p>I don’t take the blue book seriously, its too easy compared to the real sats…</p>

<p>For example, the first time i took the sats i used the blue book. On my practice tests I was scoring a 2130…on the real sats that time i got a 1930…</p>

<p>The second time, I used the barrons book, which is a lot harder, and more similar to the level of difficulty on the sats…I just used this book was scoring (2070’s on practice tests), and got a 2170 my second time on the real sats…</p>

<p>^ I’ve never heard this before; can anyone back it up?</p>

<p>if you take all 8 BB tests your average should be around where you’ll score on the real sat. after all, those are past real tests…</p>

<p>how often does the blue book get updated? Son is Frosh now, should I wait to get an updated version?</p>

<p>I don’t think BB is updated.</p>

<p>I think CB book is the best way to go… I am getting around 2280 (2250 on the real one - Dec) after studying with only CB materials.</p>

<p>Barrons is by far the hardest one… i think
if you do well on barrons, when you actually take the test,
the real sat will seem alot easier
i suggest doing collegeboard first and then move on to barrons
they are actually trustworthy.
all my tutors suggested me either collegeboard or barrons
Kaplans… i study them for subject tests and then study barrons
cus their version is slightly easier than barrons
i dunno about sat 1 book, ive never seen anyone using them
and no one suggested me to use them.
The reason why some ppl hate barrons is because they cover way tooo much stuff
but its better to know more than what you need to know than to know less
and princeton review… i dont trust them at all
their review courses, i took them for a week then cancled it right away, tell you all these weird tricks that are absolutely pointless. i dunno about their book but i dont trust any of their stuff</p>