Is the food here really THAT good?

<p>Well Princeton Review ranked VA Tech's on-campus food #1 in the nation!
And I'm just wondering how good the food actually is, what do you guys think?</p>

<p>Excellent. There’s steak, lobster, sandwiches, pizza, burger, vege stuff, more or less everything. West End has fantastic food, D2 is decent, Owens is has really good sandwiches and philly cheese steaks. Plus there’s another dining hall that is going to start getting built in the next year (if all goes to plan.)</p>

<p>The food at VT is amazing. The West End is like walking into multiple urban restaurants because of so many choices! S likes Owens a lot also and kind of splits his meals btw the two. When we visit we usually don’t even go off campus to eat because he likes it there so much! chuy, where is the new dining hall going to be?</p>

<p>the new dining hall is going to be located on the academic side of campus to better accomadate commuting students. I heard it was going to be near the chemp building near the site for the new signature engineering building.</p>

<p>Yeah, it’ll be in the field next to ICTAS. When it gets built depends on how quickly they can get the parking garag(es) started though.</p>