Is the SAT as rushed as the ACT

<p>I just took my ACTs and seriously all I rmb was that its a frantic rush to the end. And I didn't like that one bit lol</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the time limit of the SATs is as brutal as the ACT's?</p>

<p>It is almost uniformily believe that ACT has significantly more time pressure than SAT.</p>

<p>I actually had more time at the end of the ACT than the SAT but I think I might be an outlier thereā€¦</p>

<p>Alright, my experience with the two tests is very wierd. I first took the sat twice and finished with ample time(at least 8 minutes for math and writing, and at least 2 minutes for reading). I then studied for the act and took it once in september. I had to practice to be much faster to score a 34 on it. Then, my mom signed me up for the october sat so i just took it anyway to aviod wasting money. I was even faster and more efficient on the test, finishing with at least 15 minutes on math and reading and 7 minutes on reading. So, maybe doing the act can help you get faster on the sat. Or it might just be me. At least try it though if u are up to it</p>