I just found out that I would be around the East Coast for the entire upcoming summer, so I’m wondering if any schools offer school tours in the summer, or if it’s possible to do interviews during the summer while I’m in the States (which would be preferable since I live in a rural~ish community and there aren’t any alumni nearby). However, if I am not mistaken the whole application process begins in September~? (https://www.boardingschoolreview.com/application-calendar)
Apologies if this question is quite stupid. 
@poppyseedbagel To answer your question, of course you can! we live in the states but very remotely from schools. Summer is the only time we have to visit and we start a few years in advance, so we can narrow down the “apply” list.
There won’t be much going on at the schools, because students are gone. But you’ll get an idea of setting, layout, facilities, etc. call ahead and some schools may be able to arrange an informal tour. Some you may just have to explore yourself. Some may be able to provide a formal tour and interview.
The school DS ended up at, we just happened to stumble across and he really liked it.
Good luck! And maybe our paths will cross because DD and I embark on this year’s tour Memorial Day weekend!
When my family spent our summer vacation in New England last August, we found a boarding school that was located less than five minutes from my aunt’s house. We called up for a tour of the campus and then scheduled an interview. It is the summer and you won’t get the full effect of their true culture, but you still can have an idea. Also, sometimes it’s better to have an interview when there’s no one waiting rather than going in November when there’s 10 families sitting next to you. I don’t know if all schools hold summer interviews, but it can’t hurt to check.
It depends upon the school. I don’t think there is a master list, and it probably changes annually anyway, so call/email each school and ask.
But to answer the main question, yes, you can look at schools over the summer. All my visits were over the summer because my family happened to be visiting the US at the time. As noted above, even if the school offers tours, you won;t get the true feel, but it’s good enough, IMO - or certainly better than nothing. Even if the school offers no tour, you can walk around the campus and town.