Is there a certain GPA to maintain

If you receive any/all of the merit based scholarship and/or get into the Honors College? I know you need a certain GPA to get in or qualify. How about while you are there? Sorry if I missed this addressed earlier. TIA!

3,0 to maintain merit admissions scholarship such as the Presidential. 3.3 to stay in Honors College.

Students must maintain a University of Alabama GPA of 3.0 to maintain scholarships awarded by Undergraduate Admissions. Students are not required to be enrolled full-time to maintain scholarships.

All Honors College students must maintain a 3.3 GPA to graduate from their respective programs. Your transcript will indicate an Honors designation upon successful completion of the Honors College requirements. Make sure to check out the Honors College Requirements for more specific requirements.

See this FAQ link and look under “Maintaining Scholarship”
See this link for HC GPA reqs

I believe the 3.0 and 3.3 answers before are correct. To set a context, I believe I saw a survey that indicated that the average GPA on campus at Alabama is 3.1. So, a 3.0 for a student with the grades/scores to get a merit scholarship should not be overly problematic. And if the first semester is a problem, you are given the next semester to get grades up.

From what I was told, if the cum GPA does drop below a 3.0, the student goes on probation. (This is not even looked at until the end of the first year.) From then on as long as they get at least a 3.0 per semester they can keep their scholarship, but remain on probation until the cum GPA hits a 3.0.

Kuddos to Bama for this. I know a lot of schools give no grace period.

Typically if a student drops below 3.0 freshman year, Fall sophomore year they must get a 3.0 that semester. Cumulative can still be below 3.0 at that point and they have the whole year to show an upward trend. Exceedingly generous if you ask me! Most colleges once you dip below that’s it!

Honors College is also generous and you can dip below then back up again.

@Rdtsmith I believe you are minimizing the facts about the Honors College retention requirements. The Honors College designation on a student’s transcript requires that a student keep a 3.3 GPA and finish all requirements.
If they are suspended, they can reapply for reinstatement, but it’s not a simple up & down sliding scale on your GPA.
Please take the requirements seriously.

Retention Requirements

Overall GPA and course completion are monitored each semester. Honors College students who drop below a 3.3 overall GPA will be suspended unless raising their overall GPA to at least a 3.3 by the end of the next semester is feasible. Students who remain in the Honors College below a 3.3 overall GPA are not considered to be in good standing. Suspended students may be reinstated by contacting the Honors College after their overall GPA increases to at least a 3.3.

Honors College students must complete Honors coursework at a proportional rate to overall degree completion relative to time of admission. Students whose rate of completing Honors coursework falls significantly behind their rate of overall degree completion will be temporarily suspended pending an approved plan to finish Honors coursework.