Is there an equivalent of Collegeconfidential for grad school?

<p>As I will be heading to college next year, I would like a discussion forum for college students trying to get into grad school. I have questions about REUs and such that can never be answered anywhere and my google search for graduate school forums turned out to be unsuccessful. Does anyone here know the equivalent of CC for grad school?</p>

<p>Thanks! =)</p>

<p>How about the grad school boards here?</p>

<p>There is! Gosh, I forgot the name though. But a ton of graduating students and current college students posted on it. Something diary..I'd have to find it .. someone actually mentioned it on this site before and that's how I found out about it.</p>

How about the grad school boards here?


<p>It isn't very active. :(</p>

There is! Gosh, I forgot the name though. But a ton of graduating students and current college students posted on it. Something diary..I'd have to find it .. someone actually mentioned it on this site before and that's how I found out about it.


<p>Oh, if you could find it please PM me it! Thanks! =)</p>


<p>Sample Googles:</p>

<p>graduate school forums
graduate school forums + REU
undergraduate forums + REU</p>

<p>That last search gave one of my forum posts in the physics forums as the first entry, lol.</p>

<p>Actually, if you do find it, could you PM me too? Or post it here . . .

<p>It's only on med/pre-med, sorry. But if you still wanna check it out:
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
These are the topics they have:


<h2> Website Link</h2>

<h2> Primary focus</h2>

<h2> Diaries read</h2>

<p>-> Medical School 12345867
-> Physician Residency 521079
-> Dental School 53956
-> Vet School 25853
-> Pharmacy School 10616
-> Nursing School 31204
-> Pre-Medical School 321588
-> Psychology Career 1053
-> Optometry Career 1041
-> Attending Physicians 1135


<p>Aww, ok. Since I am not interested in dissecting human corpses (and anyway want to do something more than just treating human diseases), I'm not going to med school. So... I'll just have to rely on special interest forums for now.</p>

<p>The only active Grad school forum for all types of programs - generally egineering and commerce I think...I only discovered it about a week ago.</p>

<p>Test Magic Forum / university admissions / graduate</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>
