Is there any possiblity for me to go to some IVY, stanford, MIT? :)

<p>Hi Everyone,</p>

<p>I hope i get a large amount of replies so that i can clear myself. :)
Anyway, After my Alevel, I was sick for two years and then I had some family problems aswell which made me to skip my college for two years. It is a real big time!
Now, that I am okay, I feel like applying to colleges again! I have good grades, 5A* in my GCSE and 3A* and 2A's in my ALevel. Hopefully, I will be able to get into an Ivy, or any other prestigious US college. Now, I don't feel like studying in a college with a four-year undergraduate program because I am already 21 and if I study for a four-year undergraduate, it will possibly end up when I turn 25 lol. All of my friends would be ending up their graduate schools and some of them might be working somewhere aswell.
My question is, Are there any three year undergraduate degrees in any prestigious College? Or Is there any way of doing my undergraduate in three years? I know England has, but I want to live in US. So please please help me with all the prestigious colleges offering three-year undergraduate courses.
I need help! I hope I hear back from all of you guys as soon as possible. :)</p>

<p>Here is the program at Harvard: [Harvard</a> College Admissions § About Harvard: Advanced Standing](<a href=“]Harvard”></p>

<p>Search the admissions sites of other schools you are interested in and you are likely to find a number that have similar programs.</p>

<p>You can get admitted into a good U.S. university, but can you afford it? U.S. universities are a lot more expensive than U.K. There is scant financial aid or scholarships for int’l students. Does the UK fund scholarships for its citizens to study abroad?</p>

<p>Prestigious U.S. colleges are going to have 4-year programs. </p>

<p>There are scores of really good U.S. universities, but the Ivy’s and MIT are a category apart. As an int’l candidate, if you even have to ask whether you will be able to get into an Ivy or MIT means you won’t. Only children of corrupt third-world dictators and oligarchs don’t have to ask.</p>