Is there any way that I can make UNC Chapel Hill affordable as a Canadian transfer?

<p>I was accepted as a transfer student. I have applied to a dozen other places, but I might not get accepted to any due to extremely stiff acceptance rates. Therefore, UNC-CH might be my only option. I would love to go there, but the price tag is $46,000 per year including everything. I am working full time for four months during the summer to help support this. My parents make $150K per year, and they say that $10,000 per year is the best that they can do. I have another $15,000 per year in education savings from my grandparents.</p>

<p>Is there any way that I could make this work with scholarships? What resources are available? Where can I start looking?</p>

<p>99% of scholarships are for incoming Freshman not transfers and deadlines are long past. How were you expecting to pay? There is nooney fairy - someone will have to pay the entire bill every year.</p>


So $46,000 - ($10,000 + $15,000) = $21,000. How much can you earn working fulltime for four months, do you think? (I have no idea about Canadian wages.) If $46,000 is UNC-CH’s listed COA, that might be a little high, as many students find that the listed COA is padded under “personal expenses” or “travel.”</p>

<p>I wouldn’t count on scholarships, at this point. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, you have the all-too-common “Admit-Deny” situation. You were admitted, but it ends up being a denial because you can’t afford it.</p>

<p>It is high. It would probably be closer to $40,000 for me. I can make $7000 working over the summer.</p>

<p>CTTC, I would not term this an admit-deny. If the OP had an EFC of 0 it would be. With a family income of $150K it’s an admit, parents won’t pay. That’s very different.</p>

<p>this is not admit/deny. The high income parents won’t pay.</p>

<p>The student is an int’l and int’ls aren’t given need-based aid from UNC (or virtually from any state school).</p>

<p>Muay…I don’t mean to be harsh, but unless you didn’t know how much your family would pay, expecting to go to UNC was unreasonable. There isn’t a money fairy out there…especially for int’ls. </p>

<p>Your parents probably expect you to use your funds to attend a Canadian univ.</p>

<p>That’s why I am hoping for one of the top ones which will give aid.</p>

<p>I know that I can get student loans from a Canadian bank.</p>

<p>To me, “admit-deny” is when the student is accepted, but doesn’t get sufficient aid, which would include merit money. OP didn’t get any merit money. </p>

<p>But OP…if you think the true cost of UNC-CH is $40,000, and you can earn $7,000 during the summer, that would bring the money you still need to $8000/year. If you could get student loans from a Canadian bank, that seems very reasonable.</p>

<p>If you can get a UNC-CH degree with only a $16K loan at a reasonable interest rate (I’m assuming 8K a year loans for your last 2 years of college?), that would be a great deal. Most US students are graduating with $20K to $25K of loans.</p>