Is there anything more mundane than...

<p>Clipping nails (specifically, toenails)?</p>

<p>Don't even think of saying homework or school work.</p>

<p>it involves the challenge of perfect proportion</p>

<p>how about washing one’s hands</p>

<p>How did the cavemen clip their nails? </p>

<p>Wear and tear?</p>

<p>Scratching cave walls obv</p>

<p>I bite mine sometimes. Maybe they did that, or liked really long nails so they could be like animals</p>

<p>hahha scratching cave walls…like scratching posts for cats :P</p>

<p>I constantly look at the split end of my hair, drive my parents crazy. haha</p>

<p>^A lot of my friends do that too. Sometimes I’ll get bored and do it for them. haha</p>

<p>You’re a girl? I thought you were a guy; sorry for the pronoun mix-up in the other thread.</p>

<p>Is there anything more mundane than Cheez Whiz? I remember my friend told me that some college (Rice, I think?) requires that you submit a picture of something you think is interesting. He submitted a picture of a binary star system. I told him I would’ve sent a picture of a bottle of Cheez Whiz. Then again, I’m a postmodern philosophy nerd, so…</p>

<p>Wait, fairy i should have told u this…</p>

<p>i applied to rice too</p>

<p>i put in a pic of nutella…hahhahaha (i really think this is just for admissions people not to get bored, but idk).</p>

<p>We’re talkin about practice. Not a game, not a game, not a game: we’re talkin about practice.</p>


yep i’m a girl. that’s why i like the stupid twilight books. isn’t that mundane or what?! :(</p>