Is this a good schedule for a first semeter freshman, or is this too much work?

<p>Hi, I've been looking at the course selections and decided that i want to take these classes.</p>

<p>CHEM 207 (4 Credits)
PSYCH 101 (3 Credits)
MATH 192 (4 Credits)
BIO G 101 (2 Credits)
BIO G 103(2 Credits)
FWS (3 credits)
PE Beginner Swimming</p>

<p>Does this schedule seem a little too much? I know this sound really impossible, but I was hoping maybe I can try to be a pre-med and an engineering student at the same time since I am still not sure which route will suit me more... That's why I tried to fit both bio and chem in the same year. Is 18 credits, along with several "weeding" classes too much? should I just drop PSYCH (even though I heard someone say this is Prof. Maas' last year at cornell...)</p>

<p>I think this will leave my second semester schedule looking something like this:</p>

<p>CHEM 208
BIO G 102
BIO G 104
CS 100

<p>Any help is appreciated! Thanks!</p>

<p>if you're an engineer that would be a normal first year schedule. It will be rigorous, but you have some wiggle room to drop things. If you do drop, I suggest the FWS because you can take that any other time. Also if you get one that you don't like or can't fit, just drop it because it would be too much of a hassle. Some people take FWS' they don't like and end up getting bad grades in them, so it's not worth it.
Hope that helps!</p>

<p>my freshman year i tried to stick with 4 classes, but obviously you have to take whatever classes the engineering school requires you to take. id consider dropping psych though, even though it may be maas' last year. id drop though, just to free up some time for your 4 other classes.</p>

<p>oh yea psych would be better to drop than FWS</p>

<p>It's a tough schedule for a freshman but if you're determined to do engineering and premed, then you have to expect to go through the meat grinder.</p>

<p>psych is an easy class. you have to go to all the classes but its a fun class and you can easily get an A if you do all the practice tests. i wouldnt drop that its a GPA booster.</p>

<p>6 classes is normal for an engineering freshman? damn... I was only planning to take 4.</p>

<p>It will be tough, but doable. If you ARE struggling don't be afraid to drop psych.</p>

<p>I think we also need a 1 credit seminar, ENGRG 150, for the first semester, so that'd make 20 credits for fall for you :eek:. If you're not going to drop anything i'd swap math with either your intro to engineering or compsci class to make it 19/19 for your 2 semesters and so that fall won't be as hard cuz that's when you have to adjust and all. </p>

<p>But, what do I know, im a prefrosh too...</p>

<p>typically if you take over 18 credits your first semester, you have to petition the school youre in to let you do it. this means they advise AGAINST it typically...seriously think about it, and dont bite off more than you can chew.</p>

<p>for engineering, you don't have to petition till you have more than 23 credits</p>

<p>i've heard that maas said that it is his "last year" every year</p>

<p>you definitely have room to drop either fws/psych, so just try it out for a little and if it's too hectic, then drop a course. You have 3 weeks before the drop deadline.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the great advice!</p>

<p>I'm actually not in engineering right now but in CAS. However, I may want to transfer into engineering (I want to have a better understanding of engineering first through ENGRI), so I don't think I will be able to take engineering advising until sometime later... : (</p>

<p>wow, I didn't know I could drop fws haha. If I drop the fws, do I have to take it some other time, such as in my sophomore year?</p>

<p>It doesn't look so bad, though ideally you'd have a few less credits to worry about your first semester.</p>

<p>since this thread was made and i dont feel like making a new thread cause its so related i'll just post here =D</p>

<p>i also have the same question as him, but im HBHS major , pre med
and im planning to take
CHEM 207 (4 Credits)
BIO G 101 (2 Credits)
BIO G 103(2 Credits)
FWS (3 credits)
PE Beginner Swimming 1
nutrition 115 3 cr
math 111 4 cr </p>

<p>19 credits? any suggestions? nutri bio chem pe fws are required so.. all i did was add math because i sort of wanted to use it as a grade booster? i took ab cal in high school, multi and diff but i didn't take BC cal and i think i forgot enough cal to go straight to math 112 so thats y i added 111..</p>

<p>are you really good at calc? Because Cornell calc is different from AP. If you are, it would be a grade booster. And good choice taking 111, a lot of people get ahead of themselves and take 112 and then fail. No need to go GT in college, especially in Cornell</p>

<p>I have a feeling all these freshmen wanting to take 19+ credits are going to get pwned.</p>

<p>what do you mean different? they teach different things? from my experience i think im not bad at cal, i did pretty well in ab and the things were pretty easy. i dont know about bc since i never took it. multi was okay also. diff was a killer... haha i didn't understand manifolds and bifurcations and w/e strogatz(i just found out hes a professor at cornell?! hahaahaha) wrote in his book =\
and since im like required courses already 15 credits im not sure when to take math ? or if is hould postpone fws? cause i think next year would be busy too with all the orgo and physics and stuff.</p>

<p>it's more theory and a lot more hardcore, but if you are good at calc then you should be able to keep up. Just don't try to take 112 if you don't need it.</p>

<p>hmm... perhaps some of the upper-classmen could give me an opinion on my likely schedule for the fall.</p>

<li>MATH 191 (I can AP out, but I'm waiving the cred in hopes of a GPA boost. Plus, I took BC my junior year, so this will help refresh me before I move on)</li>
<li>FWS: PHIL 100: Does God Exist? (assuming I get my first choice)</li>
<li>Intro to Engineering: Operations Research (again... if I get my first choice)</li>
<li>PE: Basketball (assuming I pass the swim test)</li>
<li>Donno for sure, but likely either COM S 211 ("Computers and Programming") or ECON 301 ("Microeconomics")</li>

<p>hm I am going to be a freshman too so my opinions may be incorrect, so if they are please tell me:</p>

<p>Orange123: if you are a strong chem student, why don't you place out Chem 207? and you can do the same with Chem 208 by taking CASE. This way you are free from 2 GPA killer classes (even if you are great at chem, the median GPA of 2.7 may still concern you).
Also, is it possible to delay Math 192, at least wait till you are sure you will transfer to COE. Being in a class with median 2.7 and full of engineers sounds absly horrible (and that's why I am trying to place out from it). And you don't need Math 192 if you are in CAS.</p>

<p>And Fahood11: hm unlike you, to boost my GPA (yes a premed here) I am choosing to place out a lot of intro courses (phy 213, math 192, chem 208). This way I think I can take "easier" classes (psych, econ, AEM? etc.) and classes that are interesting to me (philosophy, painting), and still have low credit number in my first semester, so I could relax a little and adapt to college more.</p>

<p>So guys, is my way of thinking correct? Please give me your honest opinions. Thanks!</p>