Is this a popular UC Major?

I currently am a sophmore so I should be thinking about my major already. Even though I am not sure of a guaranteed major a specific one, I made the choices of either applying to the major of pharmacy or business. I know business is a very popular major so I won’t be as confident.

So my question is, is pharmacy a popular major in the UC’s or at least any school? Thanks

the college system is different in our country than it is internationally. So what is familiar to you does not apply in the US

Pharmacy is not a major but an intention. You can major in anything as long as you take the required courses needed to apply for Pharmacy school.
If you have any specific questions regarding Pharmacy, you might want to PM @“aunt bea” since her daughter just got accepted to several.

Here are the Pre-req’s for USC school of Pharmacy:

Prerequisites Semesters/Quarters
Calculus 1/2
Statistics 1/1
General Chemistry w/labs 2/3
Organic Chemistry w/labs 2/3
General Biology w/labs
Microbiology 1/1
Human Physiology 1/1
Biochemistry 1/1

Regarding Business, only 3 UC’s have actual Business schools: UCI/UCR and UCB. The rest of the UC’s have Business related majors such as Economics/Managerial Economics/Business Economics.

The Cal states such as Cal Poly SLO, San Diego State, Cal State Fullerton, Chico State, San Jose State, Long Beach State all have good Business programs if you are leaning towards this major.