Is this a terrible essay topic?

I finished my first draft of my NM essay and while I believe that it’s written well, I’m not sure the actual topic is quite what they’re looking for. For those who don’t know, here’s the prompt:
“Describe an experience you have had, a person who has influenced you, or an obstacle you have overcome. Explain why this is meaningful to you.”

I went with “person who has influenced you” and wrote about an author. I have always loved to write, which I mentioned in my essay. My essay was, in the simplest explanation I can give, about why I idolize this author and what she taught me.

But the problem is, nowhere in my essay do I brag about my extracurricular involvement, or even mention school. I talk about my passion for writing and the sort of journey of self-discovery this author inspired me to go on. Did I completely miss the mark by not including evidence from my grades or my club involvement, instead deciding to focus on my hobby and how I plan to make a future out of it?

No you answered the question correctly. Essays are not meant to be brag sheets; they’re meant to show your character, personality, and voice, and allow the reader to get to know you better.

@guineagirl96 Thanks, that’s reassuring. I read a couple sample NM essays online and they all seemed to be somewhat focused on the person’s clubs and awards which made me wonder if I didn’t get the memo =P