<p>Chem-I 6units
Calc-2 5units
Physics-1 4units
Intro statistics 4 units
Linear Algebra 3units
Total: 22 units in 16 weeks </p>
<p>I just removed a Honors MacroEcon class and will earn honors credit through another class with some simple project I can set up with the professor.</p>
<p>I am currently attending a CCC. I know the Chem, Calc, and Statistics professors are very fair in grading (meaning they are easy professors). I had a 3 week break where I reviewed most if not all of Calc-2 (concepts are straightforward just need practice) so I almost consider it a 3 unit class. I definitely have the work ethic to sit down 65 hours a week and study the hell out of these classes (yes I did the math). But I must know, can I still get all A's in these classes? I have a 4.0 with 62+ units my freshmen year at the college. </p>
<p>Since they are all so math related I figured it would be alot of overlap and I genuinely take an interest in each class. Everyone I know discourages me but these are CC students whose parents make them go to college. I think I am just looking for words of encouragement and personal stories of people getting As in a semester just as mine. Thanks in advance.</p>