Is this doable?

<p>I figure since its college application i should also think about possible majors. I know ill be majoring in physics, but i have this urge to double major and minor. So I'm thinking either math (what I'm most interested in but least practical), chemistry (a bit less interesting but still pretty interesting and much more practical than either physics or math), or comp sci (little background but seems interesting and math related and practical), and then minoring in music. Do you guys think this is possible or doable?</p>

<p>Will you have AP credits or other college credits? If not, then a double major with math or chem may work, but you couldn't add another minor. A double minor could work, however. Just be prepared to deal with scheduling conflicts. I don't think you could double major with a computer science curriculum if it's really intense, but if it's a mathematical-based comp sci program, then it's doable.</p>

<p>On the other hand, if you do have some AP credits, then the plan is doable.</p>

<p>@ Balaylay</p>

<p>You haven't even matriculated to college yet. Just pick a major and get into a school. You can worry about double majors and minors once you're actually IN school.</p>

<p>Haha true. I just like to plan ahead.</p>

<p>Yea I've taken physics b and chemistry (5's) and taking Calc BC both Physics C Literature Spanish and Bio this year.</p>