<p>Mr Madeupname, is it at all possible to work on the project without a partner?</p>
<p>(I don't have friends in the class. Also, he never really specified 'you must work with a partner', but on the instructions it says "you and your partner need to....")</p>
<p>That email tells your teacher nothing. Also, I would think not having any friends is not a reason to not work with partners (at least that’s how my teachers worked).</p>
<p>Mr. XXX-</p>
<p>This is XXX in period X. I was rereading the project instructions for XXX, and the instructions include a mention of a partner. I was surprised because I was planning on doing this project by myself. I would prefer to do so because XXX and XXX. Do you think it would be possible for me to complete this project without a partner? Thanks, and I’ll see you in class on Monday.</p>
<p>If you’re not interested in trying to find someone, then it’s worth a try.</p>
<p>Please tell me your username is a LFA reference :)</p>
<p>Sent it before reading feedback
Oh well, the worst thing that could happen would be him saying no.</p>
<p>And UKgirl23 OMG you are the fourth CC john green fan/possible nerdfighter I’ve bumped into since yesterday! LETS ALL INTERNET HUG.</p>
<p>Don’t forget to be awesome.</p>
<p>Yay, that’s so awesome! I bought one of the DFTBA tees recently and have met so many in really random places, and I’m seeing them in a week in London :D</p>
<p>This is way too cool.</p>
<p>I think purpleacorn’s message is a bit much. just ask if you can work alone. some people just prefer working alone, you don’t need to give reasons.</p>
<p>personally, I would just ask the teacher on monday instead of emailing him</p>
<p>^ with stressed on this one.</p>