<p>This semester I am taking:</p>
Upper division econ</p>
<p>Should I avoid three project courses in one semester? Thanks.</p>
<p>This semester I am taking:</p>
Upper division econ</p>
<p>Should I avoid three project courses in one semester? Thanks.</p>
<p>164 this semester is light(er) than Hilfinger’s version, but it’s without a doubt the most intense class you have. CS188 is brutal conceptually if theory isn’t your thing. Workload-wise, it’s okay in terms of things you actually turn in. EE122 is turning out to be quite good. Scott is ridiculously talented. Overall, your courseload is appropriate if you’re a third year or a fourth year.</p>
<p>CS188 isn’t too hard, neither is EE122. CS164 is tough though. Your workload is tough but not undoable. And yes you should avoid 3 project courses in one semester.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t call CS188 a project course, BTW…</p>
<p>No one will deny that your courseload is tough (I mean, 3 techs = defaults to “tough”), but it seems appropriate.</p>