<p>I meant to take AP chem next year (which would be double period), but because I did not take on level/honors this year as a sophomore I have to wait till senior year :( This is my schedule for junior year right now:</p>
<p>AP Lang
AP Psych
AP Physics B
AP Calc BC
Honors World History</p>
<p>Is this still a fairly rigorous schedule? I know psych and apes are supposed to be super easy, but is this schedule still impressive?
BQ: Which AP Physics (C magnetism, C electricity, or B) is the best to take? I'm more interested in life sciences than in engineering. Also, which one of these is usually the easiest/the hardest? I'm not going to base my decision solely on how hard one is, but it's good to know what I'm getting in to.
Thank you!</p>
<p>There is no Physics B next year. It is being split into AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2. AP Physics C is Calculus based; AP Physics 1/2 is algebra based. AP Physics C is generally regarded as more difficult,and is usually taken by kids planning to study natural sciences, math, or engineering in college.</p>
<p>Whatever you choose, your schedule is plenty rigorous.</p>
<p>@skieurope ahh, good to know. I hadn’t heard of that change, my school’s course sheet hasn’t been updated so it says physics b 
How difficult is the calculus in physics c? I’ve heard its fairly basic, but would you say its difficult to grasp for someone who has no calc background? (i’m in precalc right now, but I’m going to safely assume calc is much more in depth…)</p>
<p>It’s pretty basic. Calc is a co-requisite, not a pre-requisite.</p>
<p>Just throwing this out there, can’t you take regular chem over the summer so you can take AP Chem your junior year? I think that’s what I’m doing too.</p>
<p>Question: Are you skipping AP Calc AB?
This schedule is very impressive. Just make sure you can handle it. I see you’re skipping quite a lot.
Also, AP Physics C is regarded as one of the most difficult classes one can take in HS. You need calculus to go along with it. If your school separates Mechanics and Electromagnetism, it definitely depends on which aspect of honors physics you liked better. The projectiles, kinematics, etc. or the electric fields, currents, etc. aspect of the course. One is not better than the other… just different.
My school offers it as a bundle. No choice.</p>
<p>Are you planning to take AP World History? I’m taking it this year and I feel like it’s one of the easier of the AP classes. AP Biology isn’t bad either. </p>
<p>Does your school require you to take the honors class before the AP? On the curriculum guides for my school, they put it as the pre-requisite, but it’s not necessary (Or enforced, luckily). AP classes are essentially a more in depth learning of what you’d learn in Honors. It makes sense if you’d rather have a base understanding, but honestly, I haven’t learned much in Honors Chemistry.</p>
<p>Is AP World History or APUSH an option?</p>
<p>@sally47 I am skipping AB mainly because most people in my school think it doesn’t prepare them for BC. I thought the electric fields were really cool in honors physics as well as the magnetism etc, wasn’t too fond of projectiles but I don’t think they were too bad.</p>
<p>@awakeningvenus I’m actually taking AP Biology this year
you’re right, it’s not too bad. It’s my favorite class this year, and it really made me interested in taking AP Chem. It’s really annoying because I didn’t have to take honors bio before AP, but for some reason chem its a requirement >_< I’ve already annoyed the crap out of all the science teachers and the counselors trying to circumvent honors chem, but it’s set in stone at my school.</p>
<p>@thealvintran Unfortunately our school’s regular chem over the summer would not count as a prereq; it has to be honors chem or chem g/t to get into ap. My school is very strict with chemistry, which I think is really weird considering someone without any physics background can sign up for ap physics but getting into ap chem is a huge battle :/</p>
<p>@bodangles I know this sounds bad, but I don’t really…like…history :-< I don’t want to take any AP’s I’m not genuinely interested in (I’ve already done that mistake with AP government this year…studying for the exam is torture) and, knowing I’m not a huge history buff, taking an AP history class would just be tedious and unenjoyable for me. It would definitely make my schedule look better though…but would doing well in these classes I like balance out the lack of AP World?</p>
<p>** For my schedule above I meant to also put honors chem. So it’s those five ap’s, then honors world and honors chem. I forgot to put it up there, and despite months lurking around on this website I still don’t know how (or if) I can edit threads I’ve started. I know, I’m dumb **</p>
<p>@sillyface </p>
<p>It seems that you can only edit your posts for up to 15 minutes after you post… which is kind of dumb IMO</p>
<p>It’s more than rigorous. If you are trying to get into an Ivy League school, all of these are not necessary. I know people from my school that have gotten into Ivies when only taking 3 or 4 AP classes their Junior and Senior years. I always reserve one class as an easy class, a class that I don’t have to worry about so I don’t bowl over in stress. Don’t feel that you need to load your schedule up like this. </p>
<p>That’s a good reason to not take it, don’t worry, I was just curious</p>