I live in FL, and at this point UF seems like the best option in-state. I like a more easygoing, laid back, intellectual vibe with great food and nice people rather than a wild party scene with people going crazy all over the place. I’m not really a fan of the whole Greek life and clique-y atmosphere… would UF still seem like a good option? I know it’s a crowded campus and has a big party scene… what do you guys think? If not, are there any other good schools (OOS) that might be a match for my preferences?
I’d really like some honest, un-biased opinions on this. Thanks!!! 
My daughter is starting UF this fall, and she sounds like you. She’s very intellectual, loves to read, doesn’t have any desire to party, and is not cliquey at all. She has (of course) toured the campus, and met others who are attending, and she seems to think that she will find a good fit for herself. There are so many students there, and so many different ways to be involved on campus. I think almost anyone can find their place and be happy. But, we’ll find out soon enough…
You’ll be fine
Party life here sucks anyways unless you’re involved in Greek Life (at least for guys). Just my opinion, though.
I’ve met plenty of people so far who aren’t into partying.
I don’t know about the “good food” thing, though. There are some nice restaurants and affordable options, but there’s nothing too special.