Is UGA becoming the MIchigan of the South?

No. Georgia is nowhere close to University of Michigan. Absolutely not.

Oops, misread that. But, @sushiritto, did you just link the ranking of the graduate programs, rather than the undergraduate? The link in the post above says doctorate. I’d be curious to know how UGA’s undergrad engineering was ranked.

@jym626 As stated in the link in the opening paragraph, these are rankings of undergraduate programs, which offer a doctorate program.

I see that, @sushiritto, but what is confusing is that when you look at the rankings (eg MIT#1), it says #1 in engineering (doctorate). U haven’t bought a paper edition of the USNews rankings inhears, so this was confusing.

I’m just reading the statement “The programs below are schools whose highest engineering degree offered is doctorate.”

But here’s the graduate engineering school rankings:

Michigan #5
Georgia #118


Michigan #6
Georgia #108

I think either way, UMich has a much better engineering program. But GT and UMich are very close.

Oh, NO DOUBT U MIch’s engineering is stronger than UGA’s, which is still in its infancy for most of the majors.

And I haven’t bought the print USNews rankings edition in years (not in hears, LOL)

Honestly, who cares? This thread is entertaining but really not worth it IMO. Who cares about rankings and status…you should go where it feels right to you, no matter the prestige accompanied with the school. Remember, it does not matter where you go but what you do when you go there!
Plus, who in the world wants to live in Michigan? There is a reason so many people from Michigan move down south. LOL! This was a joke but I surely would not want to live in that cold weather.

Please take what I said with a grain of salt and keep your discussion going as long as you please to do so.

I think I get what you’re asking, and I would say no. I’m from a southern state (southeastern) and I think of UVA more the UM of the South (if I had to choose). Mostly based on the fact that UM and UVA attract well qualified kids from all over the country and the quality of their programs.

To be honest, in our area (Virginia) there is very little talk about UGA. Nobody we know has a kid at UGA or is applying/applied there. We hear quite a bit about other southern schools like GT, Vandy, Rice, UT-Austin, UNC, and Duke. And Alabama comes up for the kids who get really good scholarships. Which is not to say that it’s not a good school, but IME it is not has well-known further away from GA.

This somewhat entertaining thread reminds me of the Inside The NBA episode where Charles Barkley is getting his blood pressure measured. He turns to the nurse and asks if she’s a UGA grad. When she nods in the affirmative, the Chuckster deadpans one of his usual funny sayings - “they call it the Hope scholarship because they hope they can find a job one day”. Lol. If you want to see the episode, do a search in YouTube for “Barkley Krispy Kreme Alert”.

Carry on, don’t mind me.

actually when we went to UGA for a Scholar Preview Day a few months ago, we talked to a student from Charlottesville, who was also invited to that event. So, there are kids from VA applying at UGA.

Lots of kids from VA attend UGA . But Virginia has some excellent publics to choose from which probably does not make UGA a big target.

“they call it the Hope scholarship because they hope they can find a job one day”

I know you are joking. but the Hope/Zell Scholarship is what has allowed the UGA to be very competitive admissions. It attracts the top students from Georgia and it has made the OOS admissions as competitive as well. Students are not having problems finding jobs and Atlanta is a very desirable place to live.

Sorry if some find my posting pointless. I was really trying to see where UGA falls in people’s minds from those Outside the State, especially considering that it is not an easy school to get into.


I’m sure there are some kids applying, and like I said, I was just speaking from my personal experience in northern VA. It just doesn’t seem to be as popular as other southern schools. Some of the local high schools post where graduating students are heading to college, and we don’t see UGA very much. Maybe it’s a VA thing because there are so many good affordable in-state options?

Ann Arbor’s population is about 121,000 (2017).

“Michigan led all FBS schools again with an average attendance of 110,737 fans per home game in 2018.”

Honestly, I have no idea why anyone would live anywhere but in CA or HI. But hey, that’s just me. :wink:

“Ann Arbor’s population is about 121,000 (2017).”

100k are UM students, faculty, custodial services, and their families.

Just a sampling from here. Our local public HS here in NorCal, where my kids attend lists the following “southern” destinations for grads over the last 4 years (2015-2018) with roughly 500-600 students per class :

Louisville 1
Mississippi 1
Rice 1
Trinity 2
Tulane 6
Vandy 6
Duke 9

Total 35 or about 9 per class.

UMich 27 or about 7 per class.

Of course, the vast majority attend UC’s, CSU’s, CCC’s or private CA colleges.

I’ll bite. My high-stat S20 was just accepted to UGA EA, with auto-admit for Honors. We live in Oklahoma. S likes that UGA is strong in his major, Exercise Science. UGA has a beautiful campus, and that central hub around Tate and Sanford Stadium has a great energy that S just loves. The Honors College is very strong, and Athens is a great college town. It’s an easy shuttle to ATL, with a direct flight home. It’s a good fit for him/us.

S has a legitimate shot at merit, and maybe even big merit. If he gets a decent scholarship, UGA will be a tremendous value. We have connections to UMich, and looked into it for S, but chances are slim to none that he’s get any money. We’re not just looking for the cheapest option, though. It’s about bang for the buck. UGA offers amazing bang for the buck for some select students.

We also really, really like how UGA Admissions communicates with prospective students. The UGA website, the admissions blog, social media…communications are all very clear, forthright, and seemingly well-organized. Not only do I appreciate that organization and transparency now, but it gives us confidence that the rest of the university is well-run.

As far as “where does it fall?” we don’t pay much attention to rankings. (We’re not blind to it, but it’s not a determining factor in where S applies.) It’s about fit, and UGA fits perfectly with what S wants.


How long ago? CA had a rainy day fund since Governor Brown. CA has the 5th largest economy in the world.

What plague? I better get to the doctor. STAT! If there is a plague, then I’m sure it’ll quickly spread to wherever you are in the future. And don’t live in LA County. We have 58 of them (counties).

Shop for a good school district, I’m sure you’ll find one. All the UC’s, but for UC Merced at #104, are in the Top 100 USNWR.

Ah, you got me! @Peterbeez

I get Stanford, for sure. Cal not so much. My kids and I have an aversion to Cal. But hey, on the bright side, Cal just beat Stanford for the first time in 9 or 10 years. So, they have that going for them. :smiley:

Go to Michigan. Better sports program, brand new facilities everywhere, cute little town, moving up in academics, not down or sideways, smaller class sizes (student-teacher ratio) and you get to watch the Ohio State-Michigan game every year and root for THE TEAM UP NORTH. But, Cal is cheaper.

There is no doubt that Michigan has a great reputation and it is a public school that is targeted by a lot of high stats who are probably looking to apply to the Ivy leagues and some of the top Privates.

UGA has gotten to selective that many local kids with top scores are not able to get in but are able to get into UM. It is the same thing with Florida kids looking to get into UF. Georgia seems to have some nice financial merit opportunities and it trying to attract many of these high stats. It will take years, the same way it has taken years to get to where they are now. As long as they continue with their selectivity, they will become more of a target for many OOS students.

One difference between UGA (and similar schools to UGA) and Michigan is the fact the student’s bodies are very very different. Michigan seems to a lot of full paying OOS kids. I have heard that a lot of these kids have somewhat of an entitlement attitude. Perhaps that is neither here or there and getting off-topic.

A few months ago a new Market Manager from a Fortune 500 company we represent took several of us out for after work cocktails. Several times throughout the evening she went out of her way to mention that she went to UGA. She had just moved up to the Northeast. After the fourth time she worked it into the conversation, with virtually no recognition or reaction from the assembled professionals, she became visibly annoyed. Not long after she decided to wrap things up and head home for the night. Now I understand why…thanks for this thread.