I just got admitted , but the projected expenses are nearly impossible to pay. It’s around 53000 $ . are there scholarships available for international kids? In short , can I bank on UIUC if my max expenses can be 16000 $ a year?
Very unlikely. They’re not known for giving out much financial aid or merit money.
Unless you can get a government sponsored scholarship from your own country. State schools like uiuc does not give international scholarships
None of the colleges in US will cost around 16000$ if you are an international.You need to research and apply based on affordability.No public colleges give aid to internationals
You are out of luck.
You should have applied to U of Alabama. It has partial to full tuition scholarship for those with certain GPA and SAT/ACT
You need to apply to universities that have automatic or competitive full tuition scholarships. The deadlines are between November 15 and December 1.
This post highlights the huge importance of researching the likely cost of a college before applying. If one’s maximum is $16k per year, there is no justification for spending time and money applying to a college that will almost certainly be unable to provide that education for that cost.
Were you admitted to Co-op, by any chance?
The state of Illinois has significant financial troubles. Costs continue to rise.