Is University of Miami worth $60K a year?

I agree with @VHFather about diversity. When we visited (during school) the diversity was apparent; however, you are correct about perspective regarding diversity. We are WASP people from Arkansas, and UMiami looked like the United Nations to my son - which he loved. I don’t know how you saw only one non-white student - I even heard several languages being spoken while we were touring. Our perspective is mid-south, and “white” is considered obvious northern European decent, i.e. light hair, light eyes, light skin that burns. There is no comparison regarding diversity between UMiami and UGA, Ole Miss, UofArk, and other southern schools where he has been accepted with good merit money. The “deep south” LAC are even worse. I adore NY for its diverse, melting pot culture, so Miami may be nothing new to you at all.

I agree with you about “worth,” but we can afford it without loans. My H has a MBA from UTX-Austin but advises our son to get a MBA abroad if he chooses to go that path (S’s true passion is marine science and wants a college with good programs for both that doesn’t have cold weather). European business schools are on par or better with US schools at half the cost. H feels if he wants to do international business, it would be better for him to have an international education.

I’m confused @Steglitz90. If you don’t want a large school why make him apply to UCLA and UCB? They are HUGE imo. I share your opinion about smaller schools, and alas, my S will not consider a LAC either, even though I think it would be great for him. If our son gets into any of the CA schools where he has applied (USC, UCSB, UCSD, UCLA, UCSC - preference in that order), it will cost us the same or more as UMiami.

@tmeg01 My son really wants to do NROTC (& initially he was contemplating Army ROTC also). In order to apply to NROTC, he must list a school where he’d get in-state tuition in his top 3 (out of 5) schools. So, he put UCLA as #3, because of all the UC/CSUs that have NROTC, UCLA is his #1 – he wants a D1 sports atmosphere. (For Army, he had to list 2 Calif schools, so he did UCLA & Cal). UM doesn’t even have NROTC, so he may end up deciding between UM or free tuition at UCLA (or at one of the other 4 schools he listed). I think he’d choose NROTC at UCLA over UM because he wants to be Naval Officer so badly. He also got a nom for USNA & is still waiting to hear if he got an appointment. The Naval Academy is his dream…

Wow! That’s awesome! No bad choices there. Of all the military academies, I hear Naval is the best. That is a great honor that he has earned and you must be very proud.

Considering the costs and your son’s criteria, I’d wait till I hear from USC, but it sounds like UMiami is the best fit indeed. I wouldn’t spend 60K for the UCs at the undergraduate level - he’ll get better advising and better learning conditions at UM for that amount of money (if he wants to go to grad school, UC’s are excellent). Eckerd sounds a bit too small for him and really its marine science program is way better than its business program. Eckerd is terrific but is very different from UM.

Thank you, @MYOS1634, your advice is very helpful. I agree with your sentiments about the schools. Even though USC is ranked higher, I think the laid-back attitude, size and logistics of UM may be a better fit for S. The vibe at USC was very bright, hard-core, type A students, while UM was much more chill. I want him to be relaxed and also have fun while getting a good education. I loved the 4-1-4 semester system of Eckerd, bountiful abroad programs, student search & rescue and EMT programs, but it was probably too laid back for my S, and UM is strong in both business and marine science.

@tmeg01 Thank you for your insight on the U. You indicated that the study abroad programs are very expensive. I’d be interested in understanding the specifics. I see that students pay U tuition while abroad. Presumably the additional costs are greater than what would have been spent on room and board. Where can I see that information? Took a quick look at the finances tab on the study abroad page but don’t see any trip specific costs. Daughter is admitted with $22k presidential scholarship and we are revisiting next month. Study abroad costs could be a decision factor for her.

Hello @RelocatedYankee I was looking at the different UM abroad classes and opportunities on their website. There are different costs for different trips. It seemed like UM added a fee in addition to the UM tuition and room/board, plus travel expenses. We will be full pay at UM and adding even more fees/expenses seems excessive, esp. when these overseas schools are much cheaper if you enroll directly with them. There is also an option to enroll directly with other programs and transfer those credits to UM, which is what my S would probably do.

I posted this in the EA 2021 forum as well:

I have a question that may sound crazy, but it does give me concern. With climate change, or whatever you want to call it, will UM even be around in 30-50 years? There is already flooding in Miami, and all the maps forecast for a significant portion of Miami to be underwater in 50 years. The FL legislature won’t address it (maybe they won’t mind getting rid of the liberal south), and Trump/GOP policies will hasten the flooding/ignore it completely. All scientists are in agreement that this is going to happen, the politicians…not so much. I’m concerned about spending $250,000 for a college degree from a school that is underwater in 30-50 years.

lol. What you do not like Atlantis University? :slight_smile:

If you can afford the tuition, then the opportunity for your child to attend his first choice is priceless. This forum is filled with parents who would love to send their child to his/her top choice but just cannot pull it off. Some can do it with loans and some are just too far off to do it. If you are in the position to do it, then it is money well spent. I am willing give all I can to help my son and may still come up short. You are in an enviable position and you should be proud that you are.

Best of luck to your son.

You son will attend before it is deluged, and there are elections ever four years in the US, so while Miami may be uderwater 50 years from now, your wson won’t be there. (He may curse the stupid adults that made choices that let his alma mater become Atlantis, but he’ll be a grandpa then.)

@tmeg01 , OK putting aside the fact that no place in the United States is safe from a natural disaster, or even flooding, lets carry your concerns to their logical conclusion. If you are correct, this is a 30-50 year event that will grow much more apparent as time goes by. Miami will not be the only city facing this threat. It will have plenty of company in NYC, New Orleans, and many other coastal or near coastal communities. UM will have time to formulate a plan. The school would not disappear overnight. New buildings would be built higher. Perhaps a satellite campus is constructed further inland, and the entire school is eventually moved there. Does Miami become like Venice, with buildings constructed on islands and many canals? Will artificial islands be constructed? If China can do it now in the South China Sea, why not Miami in 25 years? I can see that this issue is very important to you, but don’t discount the human ability to adapt.