Worth it?

<p>Is it worth it to pass up more prestigious or more desired schools for UM and the $24,000 scholarship? Thats nearly 100K I would save after 4 years.</p>

<p>You need to be more specific. If accepted to Harvard, most people would go there regardless of the price. If accepted to… (insert X that is not Harvard or a similar school here), UMiami is definitely worth it. UM is a good school, and it’s a great place to be.</p>

<p>Briefly running through your threads, I don’t see any school for which I would pass up UM, especially not with such a good scholarship.</p>

<p>Certainly not harvard, but schools such as USC, UCLA, Berkeley, Duke, Northwestern, NYU (but I have only heard back from USC as of now). I just kind of feel that I’ve worked harder as an IB diploma candidate.</p>

<p>What is your intended major? I think you have to heavily weigh the strength of each school’s departments in your intended major into the equation. Do they allow research opportunities as an undergrad? Are the professor’s accessible so that you can get to know them and have them as mentors and references for grad school? There is so much more to base your decision on then just rankings, which can be very superficial and heavily skewed.</p>

<p>I think it is completely worth it to pass up “better” schools to attend UM. I don’t know what you are planning on majoring in but as long as UM offers your majors I think you should highly consider attending the U. I never thought I would end up at Miami and turned down better schools that I though were a better fit for me. I was offered the Singer Scholarship and cannot be happier that I took it. It is nice not having to worry about financing my education, and I’ll appreciate graduating without any loans and with some money still saved up. Miami is a great college and constantly improving as well. Professors are easily accessible and interested in their students. There are plenty of hardworking, intelligent students here and I know many people who passed up top schools to attend UM. I even have a friend here who passed up Harvard. There are wonderful opportunities present and I highly suggest you look into what Miami has to offer.</p>

<p>There is nothing that you will learn at another school that is worth $96,000 in greater expense/loans.</p>

<p>Also, if you have a lot of AP’s that could save you a years tuition. My daughter took 11 APs and was given 38 credits by Miami. She started as technically a sophomore (with more credits than most sophomores).</p>

<p>Agreed with all above.</p>

<p>Miami is a great place. Academics are great.<br>
If you are concerned with USNWR rankings, go elsewhere. If you want a great school (great in every way) with a great feel to it, while saving a lot of money, go to UM. Visit and see what you think.</p>

<p>“I just kind of feel that I’ve worked harder as an IB diploma candidate.”
Worked harder than what? The average student? Worked harder so you should attend a higher ranked school?
My son is at Miami- accepted at many great schools. No IB in our school, though he was Valedictorian with 13 APs and 1 college course. Great resume, EC’s, etc… He was smart in seeing the big picture and accepted the Singer Scholarship (full tuition merit) over having us pay $50K (no merit, no financial aid) at Berkeley. By the way, he is planning to go to grad school and will happily end his college career debt free.</p>

<p>In the end, do what is best for you. If prestige is worth the money to you or your parents, then go to USC, etc… Great schools. IF you want to make an educated decision, see all the schools for yourself and see where you would be happy.</p>

<p>Good luck to you. Sounds like you have a big decision to make and some great schools to consider!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the replies! I know basing a school of rank is very superficial and will likely lead to disappointment. I’m in state so UCLA and Berkeley will be about the same if not cheaper than UM. I want to go to medical school after and have been invited to an interview for USC’s Bacc/MD program (which guarantees you a seat in their medical school). I also want to study Spanish which the Bacc/MD program would give me more freedom to do so. I plan on visiting UM during my spring break so I really can’t say anything until I have visited. Any more feedback on the school and my choices is greatly appreciated!</p>