Is your student cracking open a book this Thanksgiving weekend?

<p>My daughter is a sophomore at a decent out-of-state public. She flew home yesterday, and it's been a great visit so far. I asked her if she had any schoolwork to do, and she said "Not really." I'm happy to see her relaxing and all, but I'm curious: Are other kids doing some work this weekend? She's a psych major and is taking an Asian language (pretty advanced level) and some gen ed requirements. She doesn't have any hard sciences or lab courses. She's carrying a full credit load, and she'll have finals soon after she goes back. Is your student hitting the books this weekend?</p>

<p>D was doing some chemistry yesterday. We’ll see what else she brought home as the weekend progresses.</p>

<p>D finished reading a book for her Film class last night, and just told me that she is bringing her English paper to work on at her aunt’s house this afternoon. I’m impressed!</p>

<p>My son BETTER be working on scholarship essays…due Dec 1!</p>

<p>The past two years DS came home with just a backpack. This year he brought a suitcase. I fully expected it to be full of laundry - but no just clean clothes & books. He said he has to write a Japanese essay and work on problem sets that are due first thing Tuesday morning. I’m stunned. (and very happy).</p>

<p>DD is. Her classes end four days after her return and exams begin. She has work to do over the break.</p>

<p>So does DS, a grad student.</p>

<p>My D, just in highschool has tons of homework, including 2 exams to study for.</p>

<p>To answer your question - I don’t think so. S is college soph., 17 credits.</p>

<p>S2 told me he has a paper due on Tuesday…I hope he starts when he gets back from the gym!!!</p>

<p>She mapped out day by day all the school work and college app progress she planned to make each day of this week off. So far I’d say she has completed about 3/4ths of her plan each day.</p>

<p>Son started working on two large programs yesterday afternoon and probably spent about four hours on them so far. He’s working on them now and I suspect that he will be spending a lot of time working on them over the long weekend. He also has problem sets due Monday for DiffyQs and may have some online quizzes and reading for Bio to do.</p>

<p>He does spend time relaxing though.</p>

<p>Any huge amounts of spare time he can use to prepare for Spring 2009 classes.</p>

<p>Our daughter has a little bit of work to do on a short essay and I’m sure that she has a few hours of math homework to do. I expect her to do several lessons of AP History too (she’s homeschooled and is dual-enrollment with a community college for two courses).</p>

<p>My D came home with a bunch of books and a plan to write two papers this weekend. So far, since arriving home last night, she’s been laid low by a tummy bug (which hopefully will disappear before the feast later today).</p>

<p>I am hoping. Dear Son told us he has a final in one of his classes on Tuesday. I am not sure why that one class is ending so early. His school does not end till the end of Dec. I am going to try hard not to remind his of his exam.</p>

<p>DS is planning to get a head start on a small paper due some time next week. I am the one trying to get him to take it easy for a couple of days. He is a junior with 2 majors.</p>

<p>Our son relaxes best when he knows that he doesn’t have anything pending near-term so that he works like modern CPU designs. Get the work done as fast and efficiently as possible and then go to sleep to minimize power consumption.</p>

<p>Univ of California applications are always due Nov 30, so a time-honored Turkey Day tradition on the left coast is essays, essay, and more essay, at least for HS seniors.</p>

<p>Knowing D, she probably will since, aside from spending a couple of nights at her brother’s apartment and T-day at their aunt’s, she’ll be on campus. She’s got dance concert next week followed by finals, so I have the feeling she’ll start getting organized.</p>

<p>My D has a major CS programming project she needs to work on this weekend. She’s already spent probably over 100 hours on this 4 phased project already but it’s all due Monday.</p>

<p>One nice thing about the UCs on the quarter system (all except Cal and Merced) - Christmas break and spring break are between quarters so there’ll be no HW or studying required over those breaks.</p>

<p>It’s probably normal for engineering students to be bringing home work with them.</p>

<p>First visit home and I’m trying not to ask…</p>