Is your student cracking open a book this Thanksgiving weekend?

<p>^^ Very good idea.</p>

<p>I am on a need to know basis with my college aged son and I do not need to know. It helps to keep my stress levels down :)</p>

<p>I agree with ebeeeee. S a sophomore is home till Sunday. He is an engineering major carrying 19 credits. He knows what he needs to do while home and what can wait until he gets back to school. He seems to be getting to bed at a reasonable hour, catching up on his sleep and working in between.</p>

<p>im doing IB diploma (final year) and for the whole of December break, I have 6 essays to try to finish, 1 commentary, 2 plays to read and 1 book to read. And this is not a result of procrastination: all newly given out projects.</p>

<p>D is a soph with a very tough schedule and is doing virtually NOTHING BUT HOMEWORK while she is home. I may sound like the anti-parent, but I keep saying, “don’t you want to go out and do something?” She has two regular science tests, three sciences finals and a paper due in the 2 1/2 weeks between this Thanksgiving break and end of semester, so I understand why she is doing what she is doing. She even sets her alarm for 8 am to get an early start. In the past five months, she has only been home one day, so it is still wonderful to have her here!</p>

<p>Mathson had just handed in the big computer project that’s been the major time suck this semester. He’s got exams coming up soon, but he’s in relaxing mode.</p>

<p>S1 has one major paper for HUM due the second week of December; he wants to have the thesis and and outline done for the writing tutorial session on Tuesday. Think he has some math to do as well. </p>

<p>I am staying out of it. He has done well this quarter without my intervention and to butt in at this point would imply that I don’t think he’s capable of managing his life.</p>

<p>Gee, it feels good to be out of that loop!</p>

<p>I need to type notes for my Sports Injury class. Have a full semester of notes that I want to get typed before the final. We’ll see if it happens or not…</p>

<p>They came home, but I haven’t touched them yet.</p>

<p>D plans to work on a research paper tomorrow night and all day Saturday. She enjoyed several days of no work, but she says she needs to get some writing done. I stay out of it.</p>

<p>I’m a student but here’s my input:</p>

<p>I’m working this break, for sure, though for the last two years not so much. The main thing this break is that I have a paper due tomorrow (Friday!). Fortunately I’m mostly done, but it was still a really bummer (I was surprised that at least on other friends had the same thing!). I also have a couple of things due in the first few days back. I wish I could start studying for finals!</p>

<p>Thanksgiving is later this year than most, which I think is why I have more work than in the past. Have any of your children experienced that?</p>


<p>Senior Engineering student.</p>

<p>We didn’t ask. He mentioned that he needs to. Even though he’s taking the lightest load ever (in terms of # credits) for him (13 or 14, I think; vs. typical 17-19).</p>

<p>Has had time to relax and enjoy, though.</p>

<p>Yep. Sophomore Engineering student.</p>

<p>After we got home last night from Thanksgiving dinner in Long Island, my son spent a couple of hours reading Max Weber for his Social Sciences class. So, yes.</p>

<p>S1 is returning to college this afternoon. There is a home football game tomorrow. He has to work on Sunday and oh yeah, write two papers before Monday</p>

<p>Daughter asked about the family’s schedule for today so that she could plan when to fit in the 3 and 1/2 hours of studying she needs to do “at a bare minimum.” That’s just today’s homework load. Tomorrow there are other projects/papers/books on her agenda. She returns to a week of classes, then exams begin. Three projects due, multiple tests and papers before she returns home for the Christmas holidays. At least during those holidays she will be work-free since they occur between semesters and she will have all new classes next semester.</p>

<p>HW and projects for a freshman architecture major. Starting working on some today and plans to tomorrow he says. Has had some great “down time” though with family and friends, so he seems to be balancing it out…we’ll see when grades come out in a few weeks :)</p>

<p>None of my business. But I notice he has the book he says he’s reading for an English class.</p>

<p>Does it count if she talks about needing to do her work? My daughter brought home about 5 books and ever night says she needs to start, but somehow the books have not moved! She has been doing her work that she has for a job that requires about 15 hours a week of proofreading. I think I heard her tell someone last night that as long as she either finished her proofreading or her school work, she would be okay.</p>

<p>D broke out her laptop this evening to start studying for next week’s two ‘last week of classes’ exams (before going into finals mode). She’s been here since mid-Wednesday evening with the BF who also needs to be studying but continues to switch between episodes of House & Family Guy. They Christmas shopped all day today. After dinner tonight she went to B&N to get some book she has to read before next Friday. </p>

<p>On Monday, she’ll go to the college bookstore to get the textbook she hasn’t needed all semester. Prof decided to not release her Powerpoints - wants everyone to read the text for this exam!</p>

<p>Yes…D2 is reading for AP English. And working on those college apps…D1 finished her work and did work ahead in order to enjoy the break b/c last year she could not come home at all :-)</p>