Is your student cracking open a book this Thanksgiving weekend?

<p>Yes. Sophomore engineering/architecture major, and he’s got a ton of work. He’s going back to school today (Saturday) so he can finish his computer project that’s due Monday. We will miss him but I think it’s for the best.</p>

<p>D’s prep school has a No Textbooks over Thanksgiving policy, so the Chem teacher handed out 8 pages of Chem problems/take home test, to test knowledge and quality of one’s notes. </p>

<p>Needs to study for December 6 SAT Math II.</p>

<p>Sophomore engineering student – yes, he’s already done quite a bit of work and plans on doing more.</p>

<p>High school senior – are you kidding?</p>

<p>Yet another sophomore engineering student…S1 is working on Differential Equations work as we speak. He started to explain it to me, but after three words my eyes began to glaze and he realized the uselessness of it…</p>

<p>S2 (HS junior) likely has a ton of homework/projects, but he’s still asleep and I expect that until his older brother leaves tomorrow, he won’t even open the backpack.</p>

<p>D walked in the door for break, exclaimed how nice it was to be in a clean house because her roommates are all “slobs”, and then started setting up her several “study stations.” One on the comfy couch in the family room, one on the kitchen table, one on her bed, one on the dining room table, and one in the living room. Each area is now a pile of papers, books, half-drunk cups of tea, and crumbs.</p>

<p>Finished two college applications two days ago. </p>

<p>The rest is just R & R.</p>

<p>We ended up traveling to LA to visit S [Jr in college] for Tday because he had too many projects/ lab reports due next week, and couldn’t afford to take the time to come home[ he is taking 4 science classes, all with labs this semester].We found a nice resturaunt downtown and he invited a friend, a student from the east coast to join us. All in all a very nice change of pace. I think we’ll plan on doing this in the future.</p>

<p>Raindrip: LOL!! Maybe it’s not the roommates who are slobs . . .</p>

<p>My S is staying on campus and reports doing work in all courses. He has a test on Monday, 2 papers due next week, and 2 problem sets. He’s the kind of kid who does everything ahead of time, so there is no urgency. He has had plenty of time to explore campus, sleep and do fun things, too. He LOVES the near-empty campus with its peace and quiet. Says it feels like his own estate for the week.</p>

<p>Mine certainly didn’t while she was home. Spent most of the time with her nose in her computer or texting - sometimes I just want to throw her laptop and cell phone through a window, then pour water on them, then kick them around a bit and jump up and down on them. </p>

<p>She was home 2 days and went back for her school’s big football game against their arch rivals. I know she has a big presentation due Monday, and finals coming up in a week. Where she is with that - who knows.</p>

<p>I’m a student, and I’m not cracking open any books because:</p>

<li><p>Anything worth reading is probably already on the Internet anyway.</p></li>
<li><p>I’ve yet to write my two college application essays, both of which are due tomorrow night. o.O</p></li>

<p>S didn’t come home for Thanksgiving and he’s definitely cracking the books. Then again, he’ll be done for the quarter in about 10 days.</p>

<p>Son has an honors college application (3 short essays) due Nov 30 (tomorrow!). Arg…he started a little, now is out playing football after hours of hanging out/video games. Trying not to freak out. He has 3 more essays for a scholarship program due Dec 12 that he should start–I’ll just be glad when he finishes the ones due tomorrow. </p>

<p>I’m going to try the deep breathing, calm visualization thing.</p>


That’s my question. But, thankfully, it’s not my business any more, as I was (sweetly) told this morning. D said she has two papers to do this week, not too long, and that she would do them while she was home. She talked about them and about how they will not be too hard, and that she wants to do them, and that she will do them soon… but… so far, no. NOT MY PROBLEM… ;)</p>

<p>My kids were both home for the full week and neither did school work. The music major (fr) brought his primary instrument home but only practiced once and didn’t practice for the piano final at all. My Jr engineering major relaxed and socialized all week, but is already proven to be an almost straight-A student, so apparently she knows what she’s doing.</p>

<p>Son stayed at school- has a big test on Monday in his least favorite course. Classes end Friday for the semester.</p>

<p>Called to check how he was doing after long lonely weekend at school and he was at the library studying for finals, and waiting for the first snowfall of the year.</p>

<p>my son actually made it home for thanksgiving after all! he did study on the plane, read a book while home, and was already at the library today. his quarter ends shortly and finals are right around the corner.</p>

<p>S2 back at school…did work on the paper and read some econ over the break, but his 4 and 1/2 hour drive took about 7, so he is back but aggravated and exhausted!</p>

<p>Lots of papers, words in various languages to learn, and instrument to practice for concerts and recital were in the plans. The viola was practiced once. The rock paper partially written, and I did see Russian homework in progress.</p>