Is your student cracking open a book this Thanksgiving weekend?

<p>College S just hung out, ate, and rested…tho he did go back early with his ride who had work to do, so maybe he’ll do work too!</p>

<p>But HS son had a ton of work and was very good about it…notes for big APUSH research paper, reading & writing for Scarlet Letter, and other work. He’s an early riser so I kept reminding him to get stuff done before his brothers woke up (generally by noon) and distracted him.</p>

<p>Yep, yep, yep! The 3 kids were all working most of the break. Thank goodness we are wireless!!</p>

<p>We went to Club Med for the Thanksgiving week. The older daughter left college early to come with us. She studied a few hours everyday. We actually had a picture of her holding her economics book sitting by the pool side. She is going back to study week and finals. I think it is very rare for her to come home without any schoolwork except in between semesters.</p>

<p>S3’s school did not assign much over this holiday, so he had no books. S2 was studying throughout the weekend as he had some dialogues to memorize and some reading that needed to be done. It all depends on what classes they have and if there are things due the following week or if they can truly take a break.</p>

<p>S2 did a ton of work (the joys of IB!). Poor kid never gets a break. S1 never did work on his Humanities paper, but I think that’s OK. He turned out not to have HW from one of his math classes over long weekend, so he had time to work on the paper last night when he got back to campus. The paper is due the 10th, but he has a writing workshop tomorrow and wanted to have a couple pieces of it done by then for critiquing. He spent a lot of time this weekend sleeping, helping out around the house and hanging out w/GF and best buddy. It was laid back and pleasant, so that was fine by me.</p>

<p>S did quite a bit of work for his online linear algebra class, and also an assignment for AP US History (where there’s always something, come rain or come shine … even in CA.)</p>

<p>We elected to visit our student at his college for Thanksgiving. I can attest to the fact that on our way home yesterday, as we were making connecting flights, we saw many students working on HW. Spouse made the comment that they (students) must have thought that they would be able to work at home; perhaps many did not get as much work done as they had planned. There were plenty of students lining the walkways with books open!!</p>

<p>DS came home and promptly got sick so he slept for 2 days. Then proceeded to study pretty intensively on Fri/Sat. despite repeated calls from hs friend. Yesterday was a long day for him due to a missed connection, alternate flight to a different city and long wait for bus. Nothing to do but study.</p>