ISEE super score?

Just wondering if most secondary schools super score? We live in the New England area and our child is applying for middle school. They took the test twice the first time getting 3 7’s and an 8. They wanted to take it again to try to raise their math score. Ended up getting 2 7’s a 9 and oddly a 5 (an area they previously scored 7 on). Is it better to submit just the first set of scores or submit both? Sad to throw away the 9 they worked so hard for.

I don’t mean to be flip by asking this, but did you call the schools and ask? Whatever they said, I would believe them.

It sounds like two schools we are applying to will take the strongest. Don’t know about the others. My partner is worried about reaching out to ask and raising a red flag. They are worried that they may super score but the 5 will still be noted by the AO.

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Do you have to identify yourself when you call? You could call and just say, “Hi - quick question about admissions. I have a student looking to apply and was wondering if the ISEE is super scored or if we should just send one sitting.”

That doesn’t say anything about a lower score or give any indication of who you are.

If they say they super score, they super score. Trying to second guess to the degree that you would consider calling and not identifying yourself is kind of crazy. Call and simply ask the question - schools really are not trying trip you up. Especially with applicants to middle school!

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I would guess your score is still good, though with the odd 5, I knew that one of the best Prep schools here (from any sense ranking on the top 10 nationally), for the middle school admitted, many had not that good ISEE score, it depends on the package you have. My point is that, go to a school who loves you, vice verse might not work. The son had 9/9/9/9, got only very few wrong, super well-rounded applicant, was on WL by his dream school and eventually went to the other school who even wanted him on the interview, he has been thriving there, loves every teacher, very caring school, very good family community.

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Go blue?

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