<p>which of the two, as an international student, should i fill?</p>
<p>Not FAFSA.</p>
<p>I don’t know anything about international student aid but I do know that FAFSA is for US citizens and certain permanant residents, not international students.</p>
<p>You will fill out whatever forms the school has for international students. You don’t fill out the FAFSA.</p>
<p>The IFSAA is from the collegeboard correct? If your school requires it, then fill it out.</p>
<p>yeah, isfaa is collegeboard. is there a way to send it online?</p>
<p>Sorry I don’t know…I am an American! Lol…It should say on the web site.</p>
<p>does anybody know how to get the ISFAA form??</p>
<p>I found this form online: <a href=“https://financialaid.tamu.edu/Libraries/Forms/ISFAA21.sflb[/url]”>https://financialaid.tamu.edu/Libraries/Forms/ISFAA21.sflb</a></p>
<p>In the future, try and see if you can Google ISFAA. From what I can tell, it applies to Mexican citizens who want to study at Texas public universities only.</p>
<p>The colleges that you apply to should be able to give you a link to the ISFAA.</p>
<p>A few colleges ask international students to complete the FAFSA because they use the FAFSA formula to determine their own institutional aid. There is no reason for you to complete it unless one asks you to.</p>
<p>[Financial</a> Aid for International Students: Your Guide to the ISFAA - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com](<a href=“http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1204581/financial_aid_for_international_students.html]Financial”>http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1204581/financial_aid_for_international_students.html)</p>
<p>is a better link for informaiton.</p>