<p>Right now i'm trying to complete the online application for a student visa to the United Kingdom. I've been getting through it just fine, but I'm completely stuck on this sponsor page. Based on the little help window its giving me, it looks like they're referring to me sponsoring somebody to visit me while in the UK. I don't want to sponsor anybody but it won't let me continue through the application without filling this portion out. Does anybody have a clue as to what i'm supposed to do with this portion of the application?</p>
<p>CaseSpartan, it doesn't refer to sponsoring anybody else. I'm pretty sure this refers to your US college. Can you go to your Study Abroad/Foreign Study office and get someone there to confirm this?</p>
<p>I think sponsorship refers to who is paying for your education (i.e. parents, loans, grants, scholarships, etc.). You should need financial proof that you can pay for your time abroad, including tuition and room/board.</p>
<p>Right - in D's case, because her college foots the bill for foreign study out of regular tuition (even when you apply independently), her college was her sponsor. Another reason to double check with your own school's Study Abroad/Foreign Study office.</p>
<p>Yeah, i think it works in a similar way for me. I pay my school's tuition, then they take care of the bill. I guess I was just getting confused because they're asking for first name/ last name, address, etc...I suppose i'll just call Butler and see what they say.</p>
<p>I'm pretty sure my son put in my husband's name because we pay the tuition. I agree that it's confusing. When we sent in the paperwork, we included copies of both son's and our bank statements and I circled the automatic payment for son's college tuition on our statement and made a note next to it.</p>