It really sucks that roommates cannot stay together

<p>Class2012Mom Have you contacted housing?</p>

<p>I think Housing will say there’s a diff between “eligible to” and “guaranteed to”</p>

<p>Longsx3, not yet.</p>

<p>aeromom, “Because those communities cannot be replicated off-campus, students who request to stay on those communities multiple years are allowed to do so”</p>

<p>It appears there’s a bunch of kids who requested to stay on campus but were not allowed to do so.</p>

<p>Again, I think they will say “allowed to” =/= “guaranteed to”.</p>

<p>I am not a lawyer (waves to Slippy) but I believe a reasonable man would interpret the words “because those communities cannot be replicated off-campus, students who request to stay on those communities multiple years are allowed” to mean that they ARE ALLOWED to live on campus and interpret that phrase to mean that a student CAN live on campus is they choose to do so. I do not think the lack of the word guarantee is an issue.</p>

<p>Great detective work, Class2012Mom. “Eligible” is a word which imparts some degree of ambiguity, and I suspect it was used deliberately. But if you read the entirety of the post, there can no question that it means more than simply “you will be allowed to apply, but we reserve the right to reject you.”</p>

<p>I simply think that the palatial honors housing thing got really big, really fast, and they had to adjust on the fly. This meant that they had to backtrack on some of their earlier commitments, because they simply couldn’t accommodate everybody. So the ambiguities of the past provide them some cover. This is not Janine’s fault… she is an honest person and this situation was not of her creation. But don’t let your crimson-colored glasses convince you that this is anything other than a giant bait-and-switch.</p>

<p>there you go. screenshot it with the date. and save it.</p>

<p>this could possibly be used by montegut’s sons friends that were not allowed to recontract THIS year.</p>

<p>^I agree they should have been able to recontract if they saw that post. But isn’t the reason they can’t recontract because UA doesn’t have enough beds? So what’s the solution?</p>

<p>I would suggest that UA allow students with housing scholarships a stipend to use on off-campus housing. If that doesn’t free up enough beds, then look to waiving the required residency for specific freshmen.</p>

<p>it would be interesting to know how many wished to recontract vs. how many were allowed to recontract.</p>

<p>at other universities i am familiar with, you need to pay the housing deposit early on if you want to have housing. that might be a solution. guarantee housing to freshman who pay the deposit before a certain date (jan 1 maybe). i promise there are many freshmen who do not want to live on campus, and plenty of parents who would welcome off campus housing for the savings.</p>

<p>i know lots of people do not like this solution, but as the school grows, some things will need to change. this may be one of them.</p>

<p>Bassettmomma- what complex does your son live in?</p>

<p>If I’m not mistaken, UA housing either currently or has in the past referred to students who applied for housing and approved for recontracting as being “eligible” to recontract, meaning that the student could still choose not to recontract. If Housing said that students were “eligible to reapply for housing,” they mean that students have the opportunity to apply for on-campus housing, but their request might not be granted.</p>

<p>“if they could offload some of the housing scholarship kids and fill the dorm rooms with paying kids, you would think it would be a net gain for them.”</p>

<p>If I had to guess, I would guess that the university has reasons it wants those particular kids in the dorms. Not just anybody who wants to pay.</p>

<p>Don’t know if the boys bought the honors kool aid or what has changed over the weekend, but the boys are now in Ridgecrest West. Same three boys, different rooms, one empty room.</p>

<p>I am not familiar with this dorm at all, since I think son lived in Ridgecrest East over the summer.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what floor the laundry facilities are located on in Ridgecrest West?</p>

<p>Don’t know why they made the change and I’m not asking questions.</p>

<p>I suspect the parking situation may have been a part of it, since son has had to park in the Ferguson Center since Christmas because of construction near Riverside.</p>

<p>I’m hoping the boys made the change because many of their friends who did get returning housing are living there.</p>

<p>Laundry and kitchens are on the 2nd and 3rd floors of RCW. They’re lucky they found an empty suite - there weren’t any empty girl suites as of this morning. Luckily D and roomies picked yesterday. Parking in the RCS garage is very convenient - it’s right across the street.</p>

<p>Thank you, beth. So, he’ll lose even more weight going up and down the stairs for the laundry. Fine with that. He was on the fourth of Ridgecrest East during the summer and had to do it, so he’ll get used to it again.</p>

<p>IIRC, the lot by Blount was an easy walk to the Ridgecrest East/West dorms, so that might be an option if the garage is full.</p>

<p>Is there already a thread on what the amenities are at Ridgecrest West, or should I start a new one?</p>

<p>If there is already one, if anyone could provide a link, that would be great.</p>


<p>I am picking for 4 boys at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning. </p>

<p>Odds of finding an empty suite in RCE or RCW? I would think RCE won’t be a problem since it was formerly non-honors and has basically been cleared to become an honors dorm… right?</p>

<p>Wow, if there are already no empty suites and there are still upperclassmen who have to pick, what does that mean for incoming freshmen?? Is it going to be impossible to find empty 4-person suites?</p>

<p>Slippy, I can only see girl suites, but as of right now there are 31 suites in RCE with all 4 rooms available. The rising seniors have had since 8 am to select, so I suspect most if not all of those will still be open at 8 am tomorrow. I’m guessing there will be a similar number of boy suites.</p>

<p>Lisa, I don’t know whether they hold back whole suites for freshmen or not, but I know loads of freshmen who found empty suites last year. There weren’t a lot available in Ridgecrest West, which tends to have more upperclassmen than freshmen, but my D and her roommates got an empty suite in RCW during the first pick time last year, and there were a few more that were also available right when room selection started. There were a lot more in RCS and Lakeside and tons in Riverside. I suspect this year there will be a lot in Ridgecrest South-South Tower, since it’s switching from non-honors. Also, when I said above that there were no empty girl suites, I was speaking only about Ridgecrest West.</p>

<p>RCS-S had about 50 empty (all 4 slots open) rooms last night. RCS-N had maybe 5. Both numbers are for males.</p>