It really sucks that roommates cannot stay together

<p>beth’s mom - Thanks, I knew you meant RCW, it just seemed ominous to have any of the residence halls have no empty suites available already. :slight_smile: Nothing to be done about it anyway. S and his roommates have first selection time, so I am hoping they will be fine. I think they were thinking about RCW, did your daughter like it there? Was it a problem having less freshmen (i.e. in meeting new people, etc.)? Do most freshmen live in RCS?</p>

<p>Another thought - will upperclassmen be able to continue to get into the system to see which rooms are available after this room selection time is over? It might be helpful for those of us with freshmen to know which dorms do/do not have empty suites before we log in on April 2, but I don’t know if that is info you guys will be able to see or not.</p>

<p>My D lived in RCW as a freshman and loved it. It is a quieter dorm or was at the time.</p>

<p>RCS, both towers, might be livelier. The towers are connected and they have some club meetings there. </p>

<p>No. Once the upperclassmen’s time for selecting is complete, they won’t have access. Now they could look up the rooms at the end of their “room selection” time. That looks to be March 1 at 11:59pm.</p>



<p>Well if anyone wants to do that, I’m sure all the incoming freshman parents would be eternally grateful. ;)</p>

<p>Since my son, I thought, had already picked, I wasn’t aware of the different times, and I just saw he had changed rooms when checking to see if he got a fourth yet.</p>

<p>But I did just check for an empty suite of four for you, Slippy, since I can see boys rooms. There are no empty suites in Ridgecrest West as of this time, but there are plenty in Ridgecrest East and both of the Ridgecrest Towers.</p>

<p>Perhaps Ridgecrest West will consist mainly of upperclassmen who are relocating from East Edge and other returning honors students. Son had friends at East Edge this year who did say they found it very easy to get housing today.</p>

<p>FWIW, there are also lots of empty suites in Lakeside and Riverside as well. Strangely enough, both of my son’s former rooms, even though one was just for this past week, are not showing up as free, so either someone already placed themselves in there or they’re being held now for freshmen. </p>

<p>Good luck with housing!</p>

<p>Is the numbering system in RCE the same as in Riverside - - odd numbers on the south side, even on the north?</p>

<p>Thanks for checking, montegut. Looks like this should be pretty easy.</p>

<p>Just to make sure I have the dates correctly, rising sophomores pick another room outside their current building starting February 28th at 8 am, right ? Can someone confirm my info.? My son is looking to go to the honors dorm.</p>

<p>BamamomNY - that’s correct. Rising seniors today, rising juniors tomorrow, rising sophs on Thursday, 8 am.</p>

<p>Slippy, I’ve never been in RCE, but RCW has odd numbers facing south, evens facing north.</p>

<p>What about the different rooms within the suite? Son has always been in the D room in Riverside West. He will be in the D room again in Ridgecrest West. Is it the same layout, or reverse, A is like Riverside D?</p>

<p>@ slippy I called today and asked this question and was told YES that the even #‘s in RCE face the back and the odd #’'s face the front as they do in RCW…and my son and his group are moving to RCE (as they found no open suites in RCW) from RCS-N (they got an even room in RCE today)</p>

<p>What are the implications of facing south or north? Is one better than the other?</p>

<p>North faces the lake. South faces a street. I don’t think college kids much care, but I would rather see a lake.</p>

<p>What about noise? Is there a difference?</p>

<p>There’s little, if any, noise difference between the two. Sure one might hear the occasional bus stopping outside, but that’s about it. There’s no guarantee that a person living away from a relatively quiet street won’t hear noise from suitemates, neighbors, the floor above, etc., no matter which room one chooses.</p>

<p>Water views can be nice; consider it a “free upgrade” if your student ends up with one.</p>

<p>My D received an email saying she could choose her housing that day (on Tuesday). I thought she had hours that made her a junior. Surprise! She was a senior by hours although a sophomore by entry date. So, check a day early!</p>

<p>Montegut: My D lived in RCW her frosh year. She had room C and the roomie had D. They are both great rooms.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any idea of what will be left by the time freshman pick? My roommates and myself have the first freshman pick time, and will need an open suite. We’ll be in honors housing (haven’t picked which RC yet)</p>

Not sure if you are male or female ? but as of right now for males the open suites (all 4 beds) are as follows : 0 in RCW, 9 in RCE, 4 in RCS-N and 26 in RCS-S…I’m sure that will change some before your selection date but it looks like your best option would be RCS-S</p>

<p>Thanks! I’m male by the way…is it too much to hope for an empty suite then, since not all upperclassmen have chosen?</p>

My freshman son will be in the same situation. He and his roommates have spent a lot of time finding each other and getting to know one another. It would be a shame if there wasn’t an empty suite for them to get into together.</p>

<p>No I don’t think it is too much to hope for but I would suggest getting on the minute it opens…open suites go VERY FAST once freshman selection opens up and I would also suggest a plan B…where you split into 2 groups of 2 and try to get rooms in the same building, same floor…Good Luck!</p>