It's a bird! It's a plane! It''s...a chances thread

<p>Here's some condensed info that'll go on my application, but it's certainly not exhaustive
: )</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 ( private school doesn't weight advanced classes, nor are they dubbed "AP." I'm hoping my counselor explains in my School Report how difficult the classes are, and that I've taken all the toughest available every year).</p>

<p>Class Rank: Valedictorian (but only out of 40 haha)</p>

<p>SAT 1 (single sitting): 750 CR, 710 Math <-meh, still low, 760 Writing: 2220</p>

<p>Sat IIs: I took Math IIC and Lit in June, but for some reason they never mailed me my scores because I tested standby haha. I've been emailing back-and-forth with their customer "support." yeesh. Anyway, judging by my AP and CR/Writing scores, I expect Lit to be in the 750+ range. Math II was pretty hardcore, but I heard the curve is generous. We'll see.</p>

<p>APS: here's the <em>ouch</em> part..since my school doesn't really support APs, I only took the Lit test this spring (self-study obviously). I got a 5. I expect to take several more AP tests independently NEXT spring, but I obviously have to apply way before that : (</p>

<p>Honors: plenty of school-wide awards, but it's only worth mentioning the national ones, I suppose: Furman Scholar, Sewanee Book Award for Promising Writers, and National Merit (either CS or SF, we'll see.....).</p>

<p>ECs: -Forensics!! (aka Speech and Debate). Team Captain. I've placed regionally in literally every event (on the speech side, no LD or anything). I recently placed 18th nationally in Original Oratory at the NFL tournament in Las Vegas. If you know anything about Forensics, you'll know this is huge
-Varsity Basketball, starting point guard for two years
-Mock Trial, hoping for an Attorney award at State this year...
-Theatre, Leading roles in all productions 3 straight years</p>

<p>(I hope adcomms see an emphasis on leadership and communication/public speaking skills in these focused ECs..)</p>

<p>Community Service: about 250 hours. For the past 3 summers, I've volunteered as a counselor at a summer camp for underprivileged kids. My Freshman and Sophomore years, I volunteered as a tutor for the same group of kids (same organization) once-a-week.</p>

<p>My Teacher and Counselor recs should be awesome, especially for Davidson, since the teacher went there, and he told me he's planning something special for his Davidson rec</p>

<p>I write poetry and prose all the time, so I plan on developing some kick-butt essays, and perhaps sending in some supplemental work (possibly for the $20,000 writing scholarship at Davidson...).</p>

<p>So, with all that in mind, what are my chances at getting into the following schools??</p>

<p>HYS (yes.........I know. lol)
Duke, Georgetown, Vandy
UT-Austin's amazing Plan II Honors Program (I'm in-state, so admission to the general university is automatic because I'm top 10%, but Plan II is verrrry selective).</p>

<p>I may also apply to UNC-CH, Wake, or a LAC like Williams/Amherst.</p>

<p>Thanks, you guys!</p>

<p>Great GPA, class rank, and test scores. Your ECs are about average, though. Make sure that your counselor explains the difficulty of your classes.</p>

<p>HYS - crapshoot
Duke - high match/low reach
Georgetown - high match
Vanderbilt - match
Davidson - match
UT-Austin's amazing Plan II Honors Program - the school is a safety, but I don't know anything about Plan II</p>

<p>Chance me as well? :) <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>HYS - these are reaches for even the most competitive students.
Duke - low reach
Georgetown - you're probably in here, based on people i know who have gotten in this past year.
Vandy - i would say in, but they surprise people sometimes by turning down over-qualified applicants. i would look out, but don't be too worried.
Davidson - in.
UT-Austin's amazing Plan II Honors Program - no idea.
UNC - high match out of state.
Wake - in.
AW - high match, maybe a low reach depending on the applicant pool. they are getting more and more selective by the year.</p>

<p>thanks guys!! bummp</p>

<p>any more thoughts??</p>

<p>good grief, it's hard to get a reply in this town...</p>

<p>Davidson- In
Duke- reach
HYS- always reach
Wake- In
UNC- hard OOS</p>

<p>gotcha. bump.</p>

<p>anyone out there???

<p>last call....</p>