<p>My attitude towards hunting is quite simple: if you have the guts to go into a jungle with a rifle to hunt a tiger, then you're braver than 99% of the population out there. However, if you're sitting in the back of a pick-up truck with a GPS, tracking deer in an enclosed area, you're a disgrace to the concept of hunting. You are to a hunter what a house cat is to a lion. </p>
<p>I don't have a problem with game hunting except obviously the ones nearing extinction like elephants. Birds, who cares. If there are lots of deer, who cares. I mean, as long as you don't desecrate the animal...</p>
<p>"if you have the guts to go into a jungle with a rifle to hunt a tiger, then you're braver than 99% of the population out there. However, if you're sitting in the back of a pick-up truck with a GPS, tracking deer in an enclosed area, you're a disgrace to the concept of hunting. You are to a hunter what a house cat is to a lion."</p>
<p>so what about the middle ground? there is a helluva difference between hunting something with gps in an enclosed area and what most hunters I know do (which is, go sit in the woods, perfectly still, from around 2 am to around 10 am, and wait for a deer to come buy). even more different, what about people that hunt quail? there's no sitting around doing that.</p>
<p>you judge something, yet you have no clue what you're talking about.</p>
<p>further more, people that hunt tigers normally do it for sport. to me, that is cruel. you're killing an animal because you think it would look cool on your mantel.
people that hunt deer typically eat the meat and use the fur. to me, the former is a far greater dishonor to the animal than the latter.</p>
<p>Hunting for sport (in my opinion) is pretty cowardly (or at least, not worthy of being considered heroic, like overseas football). Sure, you could be sitting for four hours waiting for game to come by, but if you're going to shoot a projectile that will kill it before it hears the crack of the rifle, then you're not exactly giving it a fair chance.</p>
<p>Now, if you took a bow and arrow or a large knife, and chased down and killed a panther, then props to you. Now that's real hunting.</p>