It's really sad when...

Thanksgiving flight booked. He’s coming home!

We did not send him away.
The perfect school? Where you fit.
A gift given with fullest hearts.
“Please send ramen noodles”, he texted.
I’m out of cash, but how?

Hot tap water not for ramen!
(Mom said)

I found out during family weekend that DS was using hot tap water for cup ramyon noodles. Yuk!
It was because 1. hot water was boiling hot (unlike at home where we have energy-saving / safety, low temp setting) 2. DS has no microwave safe container to boil water (not a good enough excuse!)
DS’s Christmas present will be Pyrex glass measuring cup safe for microwave and red lines for measuring :slight_smile:

If the water is hot enough to soften the noodles, he’s good to go. Or, he could be like FormerCk and just chew them raw. He liked the crunch and crumbled them on salads sometimes.

Public health announcement: Hot tap water is NOT considered safe for drinking or cooking.

As far as new topics . . . Every year we need fresh comments about schools. Leadership changes. The climate changes. Etc.

Wow. Am very happy to find that we parents now have our own “laundry thread”! :slight_smile:

It all comes out in the wash.


Hey, now that most all of my conversations with my child are via text, six words is five more than I usually see! Amazing how much nuance one can read into “yup” and “okay” ^#(^

I’ve never lived anywhere where tap water isn’t perfectly safe to drink. We don’t drink filtered or bottled water.

@chemmchimney Not to mention the nuance in a single letter! (Think: “K”) :slight_smile:

@ChoatieMom , COLD tap water is safe to drink, and I’m with you on bottled water. HOT tap water is not necessarily safe to drink, because of minerals that leach into hot water at a higher rate (particularly lead, if it’s in the pipes).

In our house, “k” connotes acceptance without enthusiasm (ex: Please write your grandmother -“k” but the more upbeat “kk” means I accept and I love you (ex: I am outside the dorm, and I have a bag full of ramen and chocolate, come let me in - “kk” ) I rely heavily on the red heart emoji as well which really says pretty much everything I need it to say.

But here is my six word offering:

The food is better at school

LOL… the “k” nuances are the same in our house…


@chemmchimney Truth! I’ve invited some friends who live far away to stay with me whenever, but I have to warn them not to look forward to a home-cooked meal.

I gave up on small chat when DS responded “food” to my text of “what did you have for dinner?”
